Biden's doctor finally gets interviewed

 July 29, 2024

Members of the press have finally managed to get a hold of Kevin O'Connor, President Joe Biden's physician. 

The New York Post recently managed to intercept O'Connor in the driveway of the White House.

This was just days before Biden suddenly decided to end his reelection campaign.

Some - including Biden's own brother, Frank Biden - are claiming that the president's failing health is one of the chief reasons why he dropped out of the running. Biden and his people, however, have attempted to push back on this narrative, even by attacking the credibility of Frank Biden.

"I don't know."

It was the Post's Steven Nelson who managed to catch up with Dr. O'Connor. The exchange began with Nelson asking the doctor, "Are you Dr. O'Connor?" to which the doctor replied, "I don't know. I don't know."

This response obviously suggested that O'Connor wasn't too eager to speak with the press. Nelson continued by asking O'Connor how the president's health is." O'Connor said, "It's excellent."

Then, Nelson asked O'Connor, "are you going to come to the briefing room to address us," to which the doctor replied, "Probably not."

Nelson followed up by asking about Biden's mental cognition, which O'Connor also claimed is "excellent." If true, then the obvious question is why Biden has refused to undergo a cognitive exam, and, to this, O'Connor replied, "We don't need to [do one]. He's here every day."

Finally, Nelson asked about the fact that a Parkinson's specialist has made numerous visits to the White House, inquiring as to whether Biden might have Parkinson's. O'Connor claimed that, although Biden did see the specialist, he does not have that problem.

Stating the obvious:

The obvious, here, is that we are not getting the whole story about Biden's mental and physical health.

O'Connor has been ducking the media. The Post reports:

O’Connor is rarely heard from and a review of press clippings in the database Nexis turned up no other media interviews that he’s given during Biden’s presidency — though he did speak at a 2022 medical event and discussed his career and military service in a February episode of the “WarDocs” podcast.

The is surprising given the widespread concerns about Biden's health and the implications that this could have for the country.

If Biden was hoping to put the health issue to bed by dropping out of the presidential election, then he was wrong.

Many Republicans continue to ask the question, "if Biden is too unhealthy to run for reelection, then how could he be healthy enough to run the country for the next several months?" The White House has yet to give a convincing answer to this question.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson