Secret Service acting director 'hurt' by leaked email from counter-sniper

 July 31, 2024

Republicans have been deeply critical of the Secret Service ever since it failed to prevent a would-be assassin from opening fire on former President Donald Trump.

Yet criticism isn't only coming from the GOP, as a leaked email from a Secret Service counter-sniper suggests that there is deep dissatisfaction within the agency.  

Email cites failure by those in authority

The email was initially obtained by Real Clear Politics contributor Susan Crabtree, who has agreed not to release the sender's name.

"A day late and a dollar short…in light of recent events," the counter-sniper wrote in a message to his Uniform Division colleagues.

The federal law enforcement officer then went on to lash out against the "supervisors" and "leader" who he believes have failed to heed suggestions on important reforms.

"I know many look at [counter-sniper] team as 'guys who sit on the roof' and don't do much. But our responsibility, our MISSION, is not about protecting an EMPTY White House located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave," he stressed.

Secret Service's "motto" is "cover your a--"

"It's about preventing and stopping another JFK-style assassination, in whatever city that may be. Sadly, we have fallen short for YEARS," the counter-sniper continued.

"The agency needs to change, and if not now, when? The next assassination in 30 days?" he demanded before complaining that the Secret Service's "motto" is "CYA," which is shorthand for "cover your a--."

"And every supervisor is doing it right now," the Secret Service sniper asserted as he drew to a close. Crabtree cited a source who said the agency was quick to delete the email.

However, that didn't stop Tennessee Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn from referencing the document during a hearing on Capitol Hill.

Acting Secret Service director "hurt" by email

Fox News reported that Blackburn held a copy of the email while questioning Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe Jr. on Tuesday.

"The public has lost trust in the ability to execute the mission to protect, and I want to know how you feel about the fact that employees in your agency are worried about covering their behind and not worried about protecting a former president," Blackburn was quoted as saying.

Rowe responded that he feels "hurt" by the email "because my people are hurting right now" and insisted that "[w]e need them."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson