Data proves Biden's DOJ is weaponizing justice system against certain groups

 July 31, 2024

For years, former President Donald Trump and millions of his supporters, including allies in Congress, have accused the Department of Justice of weaponizing the system against certain people. 

While the media and those on the left continue to write such claims off as conspiracy theory, new data obtained by the Daily Caller seems to prove that it's happening before our very eyes.

In an exclusive report, the Daily Caller noted that Biden's DOJ is using a novel application of an 1870 statute to enhance the sentences of peaceful abortion protesters.

Biden's Justice Department has levied an unusually high number of charges in three years under the Freedom of Access to Clinics (FACE) Act, which has been around for 30 years.

What's going on?

The outlet noted that in the 30-year history of the FACE Act, in just a few years, Biden's DOJ is responsible for a quarter of the total charges brought against protesters through the law.

The data proves that the charges brought by Biden's DOJ also carry the novel enhancement.

It also proves that Biden's DOJ seems to be using the law to target certain beliefs, unfairly at that. For the attacks launched by the pro-abortion side, the number of charges is shockingly lower.

The Daily Caller noted:

In some instances under previous administrations, threatening to harm or kill a clinic employee carried less severe punishments. Under Biden’s, however, elderly women peacefully protesting an abortion clinic have faced much harsher consequences. After the Supreme Court’s Roe vs Wade decision leak in 2022, hundreds of attacks were waged against pro-life pregnancy centers and churches, but the DOJ has only prosecuted five individuals for such offenses.

For one shocking example, between 994 to 2024, 205 cases were brought against pro-life protesters. In that same time frame, only five cases were brought against pro-abortion protesters.

Texas Rep. Chip Roy’s (R) office provided the bombshell data to the Daily Caller.

It's disgusting

Prior to the hard data, many were right on the money when they claimed that pro-life protesters seemed to almost always get the raw end of the deal, compared to pro-abortion protesters committing the same infractions or crimes.

The outlet noted:

Some claim, however, the Biden Administration is weaponizing FACE against individuals who protest abortion. In the past two years, FBI agents raided the homes of pro-life activists Mark Houck and Paul Vaughn (the former being acquitted and the latter escaping prison time) during Biden’s presidency.

Erin Hawley, Vice President of the Center for Life and Regulatory Practice at the Alliance for Defending Freedom (ADF), told the Daily Caller that the FACE Act "has been politicized and abused to target peaceful pro-life advocates."

It's yet more evidence as to why America needs a Republican presidency and administration to stop the weaponization of the DOJ against one side.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson