Election analyst Nate Silver says Trump is still the clear favorite in the 2024 presidential election

 July 31, 2024

A few weeks ago, the Democratic Party was not even remotely excited about Vice President Kamala Harris. Her polling numbers were awful, the public disliked her, and she has zero accomplishments to speak of as VP.

But almost at the instant President Joe Biden dropped out of the running for the White House earlier in July, the party put on its "Kamala is GREAT!" mask and pretended that she's the party's savior.

However, as any honest and reasonable person understands, Harris's battle against Trump will be extremely difficult, and Trump enjoys much more popularity and actually inspires his base to get active.

According to the New York Post, despite hundreds of millions in donations, celebrity and congressional endorsements, and a spotlight shower of positive headlines from the liberal mainstream media, Harris still isn't the favorite to win the presidency in November.

The experts weigh in

Legendary election analyst and statistical guru Nate Silver isn't convinced that Harris can beat Trump in November, and claimed that Trump is still, by far, the favorite to take home the victory.

In his latest analysis, Silver gave Trump a 61.3% chance of winning the electoral college. He gave Harris a 38.1% chance.

The NY Post noted:

In his most recent assessment, Silver included a slew of polling averages that gave Trump slight advantages nationally and in most of the battleground states, albeit not in Wisconsin, where Harris was ahead.

As far as the popular vote, Harris seemed to beat Trump, though not as decisively as the electoral college number. He gave Harris a 53.5% chance of winning the popular vote, and gave Trump a 46.5% chance at it.

Silver, the founder of FiveThirtyEight, has been one of the most accurate predictors in modern times, sporting an impressive track record.

Social media reacts

Not surprisingly, social media users offered mixed reactions to Silver's forecast, with many pointing to the different between Harris winning the popular vote and Trump winning the electoral college.

"Silver's model approaches break down amidst instability. So while the work is brilliant work in more stable elections, it cannot enlighten the shift to Kamala. Those models becoming useful will take 2-3 more months," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Good news! Let’s keep spreading the word."

Only time will tell if Silver's forecast is accurate. Many are hoping so.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson