Famous chef Sandra Lee's relationship with former Gov. Andrew Cuomo ended abruptly

 August 7, 2024

Interesting details regarding disgraced former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's (D) past relationship with famous chef Sandra Lee.

According to the New York Post, Lee revealed that Cuomo said something to her in her kitchen that instantly ended the power couple's 10-year relationship.

It was reported by US Weekly that the remark that ended the relationship occurred in "the spring 2019 inside the Westchester County house the pair shared."

Lee noted that the couple's relationship was already deteriorating, and whatever he said was the final straw, as far as she was concerned.

What happened?

Unfortunately, Lee was rather cryptic with the story, ultimately not revealing what the former governor said to her that brought the relationship to a hard close.

"I was in my kitchen and he said something, and the minute he said it, I knew what he’d just said," she explained to US Weekly. "And every window and door closed. And that was it … He knows what it is; I know what it is."

However, she did reveal that the close of the relationship had been on the horizon, pointing out that Cuomo became "increasingly distant" as the relationship neared its end.

The NY Post noted:

She said Cuomo, 66, had grown increasingly distant during their relationship, and in 2015 he even missed most of her birthday following her double mastectomy as she battled breast cancer.

“I spent the day by myself,” she told US Weekly. “I was sitting on my lawn alone … I’m not someone who feels sorry for themselves, but that day was a bit much for me.”

She would later call the 10-year relationship with Cuomo "the most challenging decade of my life."

A statement from Cuomo's spokesperson at the time read, "Governor Cuomo has always been totally supportive of Sandra through good times and bad. She partnered with him, spent time with [his] girls, and handled functions as first lady very well. Sandra and the Governor had separate and busy lives and grew apart over time."

Tough times

Lee battled cancer and experienced great loss in the final years of her relationship with the former governor, including losing an uncle to a terminal illness.

"I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I will never get over the heartbreak loss of the last ten years,” said Lee. "The grief has been endless but I will use it to fuel and feed me and make me wiser and stronger."

She eventually found happiness after meeting Algerian actor Ben Youcef after she broke it off with Cuomo. The couple were engaged in 2021.

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Thomas Jefferson