Polls show Trump losing to Harris even as GOP voter registration surges in key states

 August 13, 2024

Supporters of former President Donald Trump got a shock this week after a new poll showed him losing ground with young voters to Vice President Kamala Harris. 

As the Daily Mail reported, that survey was carried out among Gen Z and Millennial voters who live in eight battleground states.

Survey has Trump losing young voters to Harris by a wide margin

Sponsored by an organization called Don't PAC Down, it showed Trump as being supported by 42% of those who are between the ages of 18 and 29.

Meanwhile, Harris is backed by 51% of that age cohort. Trump's support total drops to 33% when independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy is given as an option.

The Daily Mail noted that those figures contrast sharply from the results of an earlier poll conducted last month before President Joe Biden dropped out of the race. It had Trump leading Biden by a single point, winning 32% of the vote to Biden's 31%.

Harris seems to have made her most substantial gains with voters aged 18 to 24 as well as women, black voters, and college educated voters.

Second poll shows Harris with a 17-point lead among those aged 18 to 35

The Don't PAC Down poll is not unique, as another poll conducted by NextGen America among those aged 18 to 35 in Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia yielded similar results.

While a NextGen America poll from July uncovered little enthusiasm for Biden with young voters, a more recent survey has Harris leading Trump by 17 points.

Yet despite the former president's apparently declining poll numbers, voter registration numbers appear to tell a different story.

Republican registration surges in Pennsylvania, other states

Newsweek reported on Tuesday that Republicans registered four times as many voters in Pennsylvania last month as Democrats did.

What's more, the magazine further pointed out that Democrats have lost 320,000 registered voters in the Keystone State since November of 2020 whereas the GOP has lost just 1,400 during the same time frame.

That trend is not unique to Pennsylvania, as Democrats have lost 3.5 million registered voters nationwide compared with just 141,000 who left the party.

The AP further noted that Republicans now outnumber Democrats in Florida by a margin of one million. That represents a massive change from 2020 when Democrats held a 97,000-voter advantage.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson