Biden-Harris admin caught in another big lie

 August 19, 2024

The administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris has been caught in another big lie. 

This time, the lie, according to Fox News, regards crime.

To put the matter simply, the administration is trying to claim that recent data shows that it has reduced violent crime.

The truth of the matter, however, is actually to the contrary - crime is on the rise.

The details

The recently released data comes from the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA). Fox reports that the group "has been publishing year-by-year data stats on crime in 69 major cities across America since 2014."

The group just published some new data, and Biden and Harris are trying to claim that the data is in their favor.

The administration released a statement, saying:

Americans are safer today than when Vice President Harris and I took office. We can’t stop now. That’s why I will continue to urge Congress to fund 100,000 additional police officers and crime prevention and community violence intervention programs, and make commonsense gun safety reforms such as a ban on assault weapons.

Whether you are more of a casual new observer or a habitual news observer, you probably find this statement hard to believe.

Accordingly, you will probably not be surprised to learn that it is simply not true.

Here are the facts:

First off, according to Fox, MCCA's report does show crime levels dropping.

"[MCAA] has released a preliminary data set showing violent crime levels dropped from January to June 2023 compared to 2024 levels, with 3,124 violent crime incidents in 2024, down from 3,783 in 2023," the outlet reports.

There are a couple of problems, however, with these figures. For one, it only includes data from the largest police departments. Fox reports:

CLOS's January to June 2019 data for that same period in 2024 suggests there was a 9.6% increase in total violent crime, with aggravated assault up nearly 25% and murder up by 6.4%. 

For another, the report's time frame is too narrow in scope to be able to draw from it a conclusion about the Biden administration's effect on crime. Fox continues:

. . . when examining a longer time frame rather than just year-to-year comparisons, the data — potentially affected by underreporting or changes in crime classification — reveals crime is actually trending upward.

Fox goes on to back this statement up. The bottom line, though, is that the Biden administration has, once again, been caught trying to cherry-pick information to make it appear as though it has done something good when the reverse is true.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson