Michelle Obama to give primetime speech at the Democratic National Convention

 August 20, 2024

Up until a few days ago, it wasn't clear whether or not former First Lady Michelle Obama would be speaking at this week's Democratic National Convention (DNC). 

According to reports published Sunday evening, it was confirmed that Michelle Obama had been added to the lineup, and will deliver a primetime speech on Tuesday evening to eager DNC attendees.

She will join her husband, former President Barack Obama, for a star-studded lineup of high-profile Democrats speaking on Tuesday evening.

The former first lady still ranks as one of the most popular members of the Democratic Party, on the same level as Barack Obama.

What's going on?

Many cried foul when it was originally revealed that Michelle Obama would not be speaking at this year's DNC, held in her hometown of Chicago, Illinois.

The former first lady has spoken at every DNC since her husband was nominated in 2008, and she always commands a primetime speaking slot given her continued popularity.

Each day of the DNC has a theme, as The Independent noted:

The convention has been organized around four distinct themes, one for each day: Monday’s was "For the People", examining the Biden administration’s accomplishments in the White House and how a future Harris Cabinet could continue its work, Tuesday’s is "A Bold Vision for America’s Future", Wednesday’s will be "A Fight for Our Freedoms" and Thursday’s will be "For Our Future."

It's a good thing Michelle and Barack are willing to speak at the DNC, as Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D), need all the help they can get as their polling surge begins to die down.

NBC Chicago noted the addition of a Republican speaker:

Another speaker was also added to the bill, with former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, a Republican, addressing the convention and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris’ candidacy, according to CNN’s Jake Tapper.

Protests dominate headlines

Organizers of the DNC, and the Harris-Walz campaign, are presumably not happy with the fact that massive protests outside of the convention have dominated headlines since the start of the event.

A growing, radical element of the Democratic Party has continued displaying their anger over the Biden administration's support for Israel in its ongoing counteroffensive against Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

Multiple arrests outside of the DNC have already been made, and some of the protesters have become violent and chaotic.

More chaos from the protesters is expected throughout the week, which will undoubtedly drown out much of the hype at the DNC.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson