Leftist media outlet focuses on Gov. Walz's family recipes, ignores his multiple false claims

 August 21, 2024

After he was selected as the running mate for Vice President Kamala Harris, progressive leftist Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz was swiftly exposed for embellishing, if not outright lying about, the details of multiple aspects of his background, including a prior arrest and criminal conviction and the extent of his military service.

Yet, while some media outlets have rightly highlighted Walz's dishonesty, others have downplayed or flatly ignored it and instead worked to portray him as an average Midwestern guy, including Buzzfeed, which just did a puff piece about a Walz family recipe for a casserole.

The fact that Walz can put together a tasty "hotdish" casserole of green beans and ground turkey topped with tater tots and cheese, however, cannot detract from the fact that he has not been fully truthful with the American people about his arrest record, false claims about his military service, and now questionable insinuations about his family's prior fertility issues.

False claims about his military service

Almost immediately after he was named as the Democratic vice presidential candidate, Gov. Walz was accused by countless veterans of "stolen valor" in relation to dishonest claims about the 24 years he served in an artillery unit for the National Guard.

Politico reported that at least 50 Republican military veterans in the House and Senate recently signed on to a letter that urged Walz to "come clean" to the American people about the "egregious misrepresentations" he has made about his military service.

First, there is his rank at retirement in 2005, which for years Walz claimed was "command sergeant major" but, while he did temporarily achieve that rank, it was never formalized and he actually retired as a master sergeant.

Speaking of his retirement, he has been accused of coincidentally timing that exit from the military in 2005 to run for Congress just months before his abandoned unit was ordered to deploy to Iraq -- orders he would have been aware of ahead of time as the acting CSM at that time.

Finally, Walz has also been criticized for, as part of his push for stricter gun control, falsely claiming on many occasions that he "carried in war" certain "weapons of war" that he doesn't want civilians to own, even though he never deployed to a combat zone or served in an actual "war."

False claims about his DUI arrest

According to CNN, Gov. Walz also lied for several years about the details of a 1995 arrest for suspected drunk driving, namely by claiming that he hadn't been drunk and that the arrest was the result of an innocent misunderstanding with law enforcement.

However, court documents revealed that Walz, after being pulled over for excessive speeding, failed a field sobriety test and preliminary breath test, and then registered a .128 blood alcohol content level, well above the .1 limit at the time, much less the current .08 level. The justifiable DUI charge was eventually dropped as part of a deal with prosecutors that had him plead guilty to reckless driving.

His congressional campaign, however, repeatedly denied those pertinent details for more than 10 years, and he only came clean about the truth of the matter in 2018 when he first ran for governor.

False claims about fertility treatments

More recently, according to NBC News, Walz has been called out for politicizing and lying about the type of fertility treatments his wife received two decades earlier to aid the conception of their daughter and son.

On several occasions this year, the governor falsely insinuated that his children were the result of in vitro fertilization, or IVF, a somewhat controversial and politicized procedure that fertilizes multiple eggs in a laboratory and then implants them in the uterus until pregnancy occurs, with the remaining frozen embryos being thrown away as trash.

In reality, though, his wife admitted in a recent interview that she was impregnated through the far less controversial intrauterine insemination procedure, or IUI, in which sperm is directly injected into the uterus to fertilize an egg naturally.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson