Trump announces his plan to fight back against illegal immigration, including using the death penalty

 August 24, 2024

One of the significant issues former President Donald Trump is highlighting in his bid to secure the White House in November is the difference between his border policies and Vice President Kamala Harris' border policies. 

Sadly, the illegal immigration issue has resulted in the deaths of American citizens on President Joe Biden and Harris' watch, and Trump recently reminded his supporters in Arizona of that disgustingly sad fact.

He also used the moment to announce how he plans to tackle both the immigration crisis and how he plans to have illegal aliens who commit crimes against Americans prosecuted and punished.

Trump unveiled the new plan during a speech in Cochise County, Arizona.

What did he say?

During the speech, Trump brought up several families who have lost someone due to the disastrous and dangerous policies set forth by Biden and Harris, before announcing his plans.

"We will seal the border, stop the invasion, and launch the largest deportation effort in American history," Trump said, adding that he will also "impose tough new sentences on illegal alien criminals."

The former president announced severe consequences for illegals who commit various types of crimes, including the death penalty in certain egregious situations.

"These include a 10-year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone guilty of human smuggling, a guaranteed life sentence for anyone guilty of child trafficking and the death penalty for anyone guilty of child or woman sex trafficking."

The former president added, "We’ll also impose the death penalty on major drug dealers and traffickers in other countries."

Supporters react

Trump's supporters across social media praised the former president for announcing that he'll take bold action on the issue.

"THIS is how you put the fear in criminals so they think twice about committing crimes," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Donald Trump has promised the largest deportation project in US History and now extreme crackdowns and accountability for human trafficking. How can anyone not vote Donald Trump? Trump will Save America."

While most Democrats will hate the idea, many believe it's the only way to get the border crisis back under control.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson