Judge prevents NY AG James from prosecuting abortion reversal pill centers.

 August 26, 2024

New York Attorney General Letitia James has long since shown her true colors via her efforts to prosecute based on personal bias.

In addition to her efforts to prosecute former President Donald Trump, she has also taken up other overtly liberal causes, including centers involved in "reproductive rights," and similar issues, as Fox News reported.

However, earlier this week, a federal judge stepped in and issued a preliminary injunction to stop James, who was taking steps to prosecute pregnancy clinics, saying the prosecution would violate their right to freedom of speech.

From the Judge's Ruling

The ruling came down earlier this week, shattering James's plans to pursue liberal justice through her prosecutorial description.

"In sum, on this record, Plaintiffs have standing," Judge John L. Sinatra, Jr., a Trump appointee, wrote.

"No abstention doctrine applies. And no other prudential, discretionary or equitable obstacle to such relief exists.

"Based on a careful application of the preliminary injunction factors, especially as they relate to Plaintiffs’ First Amendment Free Speech claim, motion for a preliminary injunction is granted."

The Suit

James had alleged fraud, misleading advertising, and deceitful business tactics against Heartbeat International and eleven locations that advertised the abortion pill reversal treatment in a lawsuit filed against the groups.

James asserted the entities that were involved in "Spreading dangerous misinformation by advertising... without any medical and scientific proof."

To terminate a pregnancy via pills, one must take mifepristone and then misoprostol a few days later.

However, pregnancy clinics have informed their patients that if they change their minds and wish to maintain the pregnancy, they may simply stop taking the second pill and start taking progesterone instead.

More From the Judge's Order

The judge went on to say in the order that James "in her official capacity, as well as her officers, agents, employees, attorneys and all persons in active concert or participation with her" are banned from any enforcing consumer fraud laws against the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates; Gianna’s House, Inc.; and Choose Life of Jamestown Inc on the issue of abortion pill reversal procedure.

Nothing has been proven about the safety or effectiveness of those pills for the mother, aside from their ability to terminate a pregnancy, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

At issue in the case was James' alleged unfair targeting of the groups based on their beliefs, particularly in regard to the pill, which has been a divisive topic for the last year.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson