Sen. Booker bombs campaign message on Kamala Harris at DNC

 August 26, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris's lack of actual experience for a position like president have been cause for concern among many, and it appears that someone who should be firmly in her corner has said the quiet part out loud.

Harris, who didn't win even a single deligate in the 2020 presidential primary where she was pitted against her later running mate, President Joe Biden, has suddenly become the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee, by default, and the discontent is palpable, as Fox News reported.

This rose to the surface unexpectedly when CNN's Jake Tapper pushed Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) during a recent interview about the Democrat party's efforts to bolster Harris's appearance as a competent candidate.

From the Interview

During the Sunday interview, Tapper asked Booker about the party's efforts to reimagine Harris's candidacy as part of a "new chapter" for the party, even though she was part of the presidential ticket during the last election.

"Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years. How can Democrats talk about a new chapter, turning the page? You guys are the ones writing the book," Tapper said during his interview with Booker.

Booker responded, saying, "You know that that‘s not true, Jake, because you know politics like I do."

"Right now, we see the MAGA Republicans in Congress killing all kinds of pragmatic policies that we need to get done on the most contentious issue," Booker responded, referring to the border bill that was killed by House Republicans.

More from the Democrat Senator

Booker went on to take a swipe at former President Donald Trump's voters, directly, saying "To say that the MAGA Republicans are not still undermining common sense, pragmatic, sensible politics is just wrong."

"And what I know this election can do is finally kill that strain of the Republican Party, in a way that I think helps the pragmatic Republicans come back," Booker continued.

Booker lauded the Republican speakers at the DNC and said he despises "tribalism."

"This is really a binary choice: are we going to have the politics of Donald Trump, which is smear and fear, denigration and demeaning, or are we going to have a page be turned in America where we get back to coming together, meeting in the middle, showing that we can compromise and actually get big things done as a nation," Booker said.

Another Take

On Tuesday, CNN's Scott Jennings claimed that Harris was running on a platform of change while simultaneously purportedly attempting to address the current issues facing the White House.

"For all the talk about divisions and problems in the country and people are hurting, Democrats have mostly controlled this country.... and somehow it's still all [former President] Trump's fault, and somehow she hasn't been at the center of it," Jennings said.

While liberal commentators on the network were unanimous in their praise of former President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama's speeches that night, the political commentator voiced his disapproval.

"To me, that's still the glaring hole of this campaign that hasn't yet been solved at this convention. How do you explain all the problems that will be solved, by the person who is currently in there, for the past 3.5 years, that is supposed to already be working on solving them?" he added.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson