Green Party nominee Jill Stein says Biden is 'not fit to be president,' says 'Deep State' and staffers control him

 August 29, 2024

Finally facing sharp criticisms and concerns about his deteriorating physical and mental health from within his own Democratic Party, President Joe Biden ended his re-election bid last month and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to take his place as the party's nominee.

According to leftist Green Party nominee Jill Stein, that change was "inevitable" because Biden, who is controlled by the "Deep State" and his staff, is "not fit to be president" -- though Harris is scarcely any better, according to Breitbart News.

Stein, a third-party candidate "spoiler" who threatens to pull support away from Harris' left flank, particularly in critical battleground states, predicted that the Democratic nominee's "ship" is going to "sink" in November.

Biden's "not fit to be president right now"

Last week, while the Democratic National Convention was taking place in Chicago, Illinois, Stein held a campaign rally in the same city and was asked for her thoughts on the "coronation" of VP Harris as the nominee in place of President Biden despite having not won any votes in the Democratic primary.

"To me, it was like, well, this is kind of inevitable -- the Joe Biden balloon was gonna pop because they had circled the wagons around him," Stein said. "You know, he who has not been able to think clearly or, you know, carry on a conversation or even read from a teleprompter."

"This man was not fit to be president. He's not fit to be president right now," she continued. "You don't want this guy woken up at 2:00 am by the hotline when there's an emergency that has to be solved. Who's making the decisions here? You know, it's not people who've been elected. It's the Deep State, it's his staff, whoever."

Stein predicts Harris' "ship" is "going to sink" before November

Stein went on to say that President Biden "shouldn't be in office and he crashed and burned. Well, they're gonna do the same thing with Kamala Harris, because we've all seen her, you know."

"We've had four years to see her in action and before that as well," she continued of VP Harris. "She had to drop out of the primary in 2020 because there was no support for her whatsoever. She was gonna have a really humiliating result in her own home state of California."

"So it's just a matter of time -- that ship too is going to sink," Stein added. "So, you know, the Democrats have just cooked their own goose here."

She went on to accuse Democrats of making promises to working-class voters that they don't intend to keep and betraying their base, so much so that she predicted that "really angry" voters would cast ballots in support of other alternatives, not so much because they supported the alternatives but rather to spite and punish the Democratic Party.

Stein, other third-party candidates will appear on Wisconsin ballots

In related news, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Tuesday that after the Wisconsin Supreme Court dismissed a Democrat lawsuit to remove Green Party nominee Stein from the ballot, the Wisconsin Election Commission voted to confirm that Stein -- along with independent candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West -- would appear on the state's ballots in the upcoming election.

"This is a big win against the anti-Democratic Party’s war on democracy and voter choice," Stein said Monday after the court's dismissal. "The Democrats constantly preach about 'saving democracy,' when in reality they’ve been doing everything they can to crush democracy by trying to remove the Green Party and others from the ballot."

There is a legitimate concern among some Democrats that leftist third-party candidates, such as Stein and West, could potentially pull thousands of votes away from VP Harris -- votes that could prove critical for victory in closely-fought battleground states like Wisconsin where recent elections have been decided by just a few thousand votes.

Currently, according to RealClearPolling's national average in a multi-candidate race, both Stein and West are garnering just under 1% support while Kennedy, who has suspended his campaign and endorsed former President Donald Trump, draws around 5% support, and Harris leads Trump overall by about 2 points, 46.7-44.7%.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson