Harris advisor is alleged to have close ties to Iran

 September 7, 2024

One of Vice President Kamala Harris's top advisors is said to have a close relationship with Iran. 

The allegation, according to the Daily Mail, comes from U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY).

The advisor is Phil Gordon. He is Harris's foreign policy advisor. Gordon has also worked for former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama as well as current President Joe Biden.

The outlet reports:

Gordon serves as Harris' most trusted advisor on foreign policy issues, as his allies have credited him for his influence of the vice president and her articulation of her carefully woven narrative on the subject. Harris has defended Israel's right to defend itself but has also criticized them for failing to reduce civilian casualties.

The allegations

Stefanik and U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) have been warning the country about Gordon for the past couple of months. In July, they actually wrote a letter to Harris raising their concerns.

In part, they wrote:

Before joining your office, Mr. Gordon co-authored at least three opinion pieces with Ms. Tabatabai blatantly promoting the Iranian regime’s perspective and interests. In a March 2020 piece, Mr. Gordon and Ms. Tabatabai claimed continued sanctions on Iran would create ‘catastrophe’ in the Middle East. In another, they wrote sanctions could lead to new Iranian efforts to ‘lash out with attacks on its neighbors, and on Americans and American interests in the Middle East.’ Each prediction was as wrong, as it was biased in favor of Tehran.

For those unfamiliar with Ariane Tabatabai, she is a senior Department of Defense official. She, according to Cotton and Stefanik, "was reportedly involved in an Iranian government operation to expand Iran’s influence in the United States."

In their letter, Stefanik and Cotton wrote, "The Biden-Harris Administration is no stranger to Iran accommodators, appeasers, and accomplices."

The Daily Mail provides other details about Gordon, including how he was a major critic of former President Donald Trump's foreign policy.

"A danger to all Americans"

Stefanik told the Daily Mail that Gordon's ties to Iran make him "a danger to all Americans."

"Republicans will continue to hold Kamala Harris accountable for the radical anti-Israel, Iranian regime puppets within her inner circle that have made the world less safe," Stefanik told the outlet.

Harris, at the time of this writing, has not responded to the allegations.

It is also worth mentioning that Gordon is believed to be "a hawk" when it comes to the U.S. foreign policy with regard to Russia.

In short, it appears that, with regard to foreign policy, we could expect more of what we have seen from the Biden, Obama, and Clinton administrations, if Harris were to win the presidency and if Gordon were to stay by her side.

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Thomas Jefferson