Hillary Clinton boasts that Trump's conviction 'looks like karma'

 September 16, 2024

Hillary Clinton will never get over losing the 2016 election, but she has found some closure in Donald Trump's conviction on bogus charges.

While plugging her fourth memoir, Clinton admitted that Trump's conviction feels like "karma" after he encouraged supporters to "lock her up." In other words, she's admitting that Trump's prosecution was really about avenging her 2016 loss.

Clinton's confession

Prosecutor Alvin Bragg accused Trump of covering up "hush money" payments to porn star Stormy Daniels, in what Bragg described as a complex plot to steal the 2016 election.

Shockingly, Clinton blames the "hush money" scheme for her loss - just one of many scapegoats she has used to deny the reality that America rejected her.

"The case, which was mistakenly called a 'hush money' case, was an election interference case. Why did he do what he did?" she asked rhetorically.

"He did it to try to keep the information from the American public so that they wouldn't turn away from him and vote for me," she said, answering her own question. "So, it's a pretty clear case of election interference."

Clinton, who escaped justice for her use of an illegal email server in 2016, said Trump had "escaped accountability his entire life" until his conviction in the spring.

She cried

Bragg deployed a complicated, novel prosecution theory to transform what would have been a misdemeanor into a felony. A high-ranking Justice Department employee even called the case "nonsense" and a "perversion of justice," but to Clinton, the outcome was nothing short of cosmic justice.

"Looks like karma to me," she said.

Describing her emotional response, Clinton told a sympathetic CBS interviewer that she cried when Trump was found guilty by a jury in left-leaning New York.

"I got tears in my eyes then, because this man has escaped accountability his entire life," said Clinton.

Always a victim...

While Clinton says Trump "escaped accountability his entire life," Clinton was never charged for her illegal use of a private email server to transmit top-secret information.

Trump labeled her "Crooked Hillary" and called for her prosecution, but as president, Trump backed off to unify the country.

His enemies haven't been as gracious towards him, to put it mildly.

Trump is now facing jail time for "falsifying business records," which really boils down to Trump labeling reimbursement checks to his former attorney as "legal fees."

In 2022, Clinton's campaign paid a small fine to the Federal Election Commission for lying about opposition research payments for the notorious Trump-Russia dossier. The payments were falsely billed as legal fees.

And she still thinks she's a victim.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson