Witness tells lawmakers that border crisis is 'not due to incompetence' by Biden administration

 September 22, 2024

President Joe Biden has overseen an unprecedented wave of illegal migration, with Fox News reporting last month that at least 1.8 million people crossed the border since January 1.

While some have attributed Biden's immigration record to incompetence, one witness recently told members of Congress that it is actually part of a plan. 

Expert says opening the border was a deliberate choice

Mark Krikorian serves as executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, and Breitbart reported that he testified before the House Oversight Committee this past week.

"The Biden-Harris record on immigration is the result of neither incompetence nor failure. The largest border crisis in the history of our country, probably the largest such event in human history, began on January 20, 2021, on purpose — not due to incompetence," Krikorian declared.

The expert then went on to tell lawmakers that "[t]here are two ways of thinking about the immigration issue overall."

Administration's philosophy is "contrary to federal law"

"Either no one in the world is allowed to come here and we make limited exceptions or everyone in the world is allowed to come here with certain limited exceptions," Krikorian noted.

"The Immigration and Nationality Act, of course, is based on the former perspective. No foreigner has a right to move here, but we the people decide the specific grounds to admit a limited number of people," he pointed out.

"This administration’s approach to immigration is based on … the opposite view — that everyone in the world has a right to move here if they so wish and the American people have no right to place limits on immigration apart from those related to basic safety," Krikorian added.

Krikorian said he "would describe the Biden-Harris approach to immigration as one of unlimited immigration that holds that any limits on the levels of immigration are morally indefensible and circumventing those limits by any means is a moral duty."

"This is fundamentally contrary to federal law, of course, but also contrary to the Constitution and the sovereignty and consent of the government," he stressed.

Poll finds most Americans support mass deportations

The Daily Montanan reported earlier this month that Vice President Kamala Harris slammed former President Donald Trump over his pledge to carry out mass deportations.

"How's that gonna happen, massive raids? Massive detention camps? What are they talking about?" she asked while speaking at an event hosted by the​​ Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.

However, a Scripps News/Ipsos survey carried out between September 13 and September 15 found that a majority of Americans support the policy, including 58% of independent voters.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson