Elon Musk faces off against George Soros in battle for Wisconsin Supreme Court

 March 2, 2025

Elon Musk and leftist billionaire George Soros appear to be having a financial battle over the future of the Wisconsin Supreme Court. 

The Washington Examiner reports that both men are putting significant money into the race - so much money, in fact, that they could break fundraising records.

If nothing else, this shows that the race for an open seat on the court is extremely important, and this is because it could have an impact on both political party's ability to implement their agenda.

First, we will take a look at who is running, and then we will look at what Musk and Soros have been up to.


With the U.S. Supreme Court, whenever there is an open seat, the current U.S. president nominates a replacement and that replacement then has to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. In Wisconsin, however, things work a bit differently.

There, state supreme court justices are selected by voters. The election is going to take place at the beginning of April 2025.

Fox6 reports:

Supreme Court candidates are officially non-partisan. But liberals are backing Dane County Circuit Court Judge Susan Crawford, while conservatives are supporting Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Brad Schimel.

The outlet goes on to provide a little overview of the candidates.

It writes:

Crawford was previously a prosecutor and an attorney who, at one time, represented Planned Parenthood. She was also part of former Democrat Gov. Jim Doyle's administration. Schimel was previously Waukesha County's district attorney and Wisconsin's Republican attorney general.

Musk v. Soros

What makes this election so important is that it will give one side a majority. The conservatives had been in control of the court for many years until 2023, when Janet Proterowicz won a seat. Now, conservatives are looking to take the court back.

Musk is playing his part.

The Examiner reports:

Musk’s America PAC has spent $1 million on canvassing operations in Wisconsin. Some of the money was used to distribute pamphlets that read, “President Trump needs you to get out and vote.” His group blasted out attack ads featuring a picture of a woman named Susan Crawford, only it was the wrong Susan Crawford.

Soros, however, has countered with a similar figure of his own.

At this point, there is no telling which way the race is going to go, but all eyes are on the content. Fox6 highlights what is at stake, writing:

[Since Proterowicz won] the court has decided some national attention-grabbing issues, including striking down Republican-drawn legislative maps, which was a decision that took a dent out of the Republican majority in Madison. The court also reversed itself on absentee ballot drop boxes, allowing them once again.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson