DANIEL VAUGHAN: Biden-Harris Finally Learn Hamas Is Bad

 September 6, 2024

Reality is finally settling in for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. No matter how much they hate Benjamin Netanyahu or Israel, there's no way to broker a deal with Hamas. It took nearly a year for this administration to finally admit defeat in trying to get a genocidal terrorist group to act like a responsible international actor. The veil is gone.

Axios reports that the White House is finally asking "whether there is a hostage-release and ceasefire in Gaza deal Hamas would ever agree to." For those of you following along at home, screaming at the screen, "Of course not!" You are correct! But this is new information for the Biden-Harris administration.

What changed? Israel tried to rescue a group of six hostages in Rafah, a place Biden and Harris demanded Israel never enter in the past year. Unfortunately, Hamas learned about the rescue operation and executed all six hostages. Hamas wasn't done, however. Since executing the hostages, Hamas sent propaganda videos with the dead hostages in them to taunt the families.

It's a level of depravity that isn't shocking when you remember this is the same group that filmed itself murdering, raping, and butchering innocent men, women, and children on October 7, 2023. This is who Hamas is; it's who they've always been, and nothing is changing.

Axios adds, "U.S. officials said one of the main arguments made in the meeting was that after Hamas murdered the hostages, including an American, the U.S. shouldn't push for a proposal that gives Hamas additional concessions and instead focus on applying more pressure and accountability measures against Hamas."

Hamas walks away from every deal. When Biden had the White House announce that they had an agreement with Israel and Hamas, they left out the part where Israel agreed to a deal, but Hamas had walked away days prior. Every time Israel goes to the table for negotiations, Hamas leaves.

In the meantime, Biden and Harris spend their time blasting Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu for being an obstacle to peace. At this point, that talking line is pure blood libel against Jews. Hamas refuses every deal, and Biden is mad at the Israelis for that.

But now Biden and Harris see things differently. Their hatred of Israel worked until we got to the point where Hamas started executing Americans along with other hostages. Biden could ignore the hostages and attack Israel until dead Americans got added to the ledger.

Instead of handing over hostages or keeping them for negotiations, Hamas is killing them. That ends any notion that Hamas can be reasoned with at any level. In fact, Hamas won't even admit which hostages are still alive. That fact is hard to believe, given that Hamas knew when a rescue operation was going down for hostages and immediately killed them.

Hamas knows where the hostages are when it's time for executions. Hamas always loses the hostages when it's time for negotiations. And when anyone tries to get Hamas to negotiate, they walk away.

Everything for Hamas is secondary to their primary goal of murdering Jews.

Seth Mandel writes in Commentary, "After falsely blaming Israel for months, the president's team has pivoted to the truth. It's not clear why. Maybe the backlash to Biden effectively blamed Benjamin Netanyahu instead of the actual barbarians who shot the hostages this past weekend convinced the White House to switch gears. That would be nice. Who knows."

That brings us to the next obvious point: why is the Biden-Harris administration adamant that Israel or anyone should negotiate with a racist, genocidal terrorist organization?

If Biden and Harris can see the light on the fact that Hamas does not want peace, ceasefires, or any deals, what's stopping them from acknowledging Hamas for what it is? The only path forward for Israel is eliminating as many Hamas fighters, officials, and infrastructure as possible. Pretending otherwise is pure fantasy.

Biden and Harris keep demanding that Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel aren't doing enough to arrive at a hostage deal. There's no proof offered for these charges, just blatant anti-Israel animus at a moment when Hamas is executing hostages.

It's time to end all the charades and empty rhetoric from the White House. Nothing Hamas says is believable or worth considering. We should bomb Hamas into the Stone Age and salt the earth. It's an evil organization founded on the principle of killing Jews. In the process, they're now executing Americans.

Neither Israel nor the United States should accept this level of disrespect. It's a danger to Americans abroad if Hamas is allowed to continue to act like this. End Hamas and support Israel; that's the only acceptable path forward. We can't pretend that Hamas wants a ceasefire or any deal. It took nearly a year for Biden and Harris to admit this. Hopefully, they pivot faster.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson