DANIEL VAUGHAN: God Spares America, Again

 September 16, 2024

Political assassinations are a direct threat to democracy. Full stop. Every other description of threats to democracy that downplay assassinations can get thrown directly into the trash. With less than two months to go in the 2024 election, we've now had two assassination attempts on Donald Trump. Political violence is occurring, and it's not symmetrical.

The second assassin to Donald Trump had radical politics. His social media posts revealed a man who hated Trump, repeated "threat to democracy" lines from Democrats, and wrote a book where he said the Iranians should assassinate Trump for leaving the Iran Deal.

This guy somehow managed to stalk Trump's golf course and the hiding spot for nearly twelve hours. Even stranger, he had a long rap sheet with convictions that should have blocked him from getting a firearm. It's unclear at this time how he got his hands on a weapon through any legal means.

Meanwhile, NBC News and other media outlets are trying to suggest that this assassination attempt is somehow the fault of Donald Trump. They blame his rhetoric and the "eating cats and dogs" stories in the debate. Here's a challenge for reporters: please point to anything in the record that suggests this guy acted because of those stories.

Everything we have on him suggests he's a political nutcase who had positions that lined up well with what the mainstream media liked. He was interviewed by the New York Times and others for his Ukraine beliefs and work. Although, those who were involved in some of those interviews suggested he was off his rocker.

The media strategy here is identical to what the press did during the Kennedy assassination. They blamed Dallas as a "city of hate," and suggested it was hyperbolic conservative talking points attacking Kennedy that were to blame. Instead, it was Lee Harvey Oswald, a communist nutcase who tried living in the USSR because he believed it was better than the United States.

There's a certain desperation to blame assassination attempts on conservative rhetoric despite the lack of evidence. Donald Trump's campaign released an itemized list of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden attacking Trump as a threat to the country and democracy, linking to the direct quotes. There's more evidence in that list that Harris and Biden are the issue than Trump.

Former FBI Agents agree, pointing out that these kinds of statements from Democrats obviously give cover to malcontents looking to act out dark fantasies.

These incidents aren't limited to the two attempts on Trump's life. Early in July, an elderly man was put in intensive care after a 22-year-old ran him over with an ATV. Why did this happen? The elderly man had Trump paraphernalia. The younger man ended up turning himself in and committing suicide later.

We've also seen assassination attempts on Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and the shooting at the Republican Congressional baseball practice, where Steve Scalise and many other GOP members were lucky to escape with their lives.

After the first assassination attempt, I wrote that Americans should be thankful to God for sparing us from great evil. God has spared us again. A successful assassination of Trump or anyone in this country would induce a collapse of politics as we know it. That is even more true in a political cycle like this one, where norms of a given election are getting tossed out the window left and right.

God showed more mercy by having Secret Service spot and act on this guy. Secret Service will have to answer for how this suspect was able to stalk the golf course for 12 hours and many other issues, but for now, at least they acted this time.

As a country, America should be on its knees, praying daily for these kinds of events to end. It is impossible to have a successful government when leaders are in the crosshairs every day. We are not on a sustainable path, and anyone suggesting otherwise is lying. Two assassination attempts suggest we're approaching a copycat problem, where others like this get motivated to act the same. 

This all has to end now, or we risk a far worse outcome as Election Day draws near. 

The Biden White House needs to double Secret Service protection for everyone involved in this election and encourage the FBI to actively track threats to members of Congress. This isn't a moment for words. We need hard action with real protection issued. What we're doing isn't enough. 

And if two assassination attempts don't convince you that toning down the rhetoric needs to start now, then it's clear you're part of the problem. 

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson