DANIEL VAUGHAN: Liberal Wake Up After Fours Years Of Slumber

 February 5, 2025

Like many of you, I've noticed an uptick of my liberal and Democratic Party friends waking up from a four-year slumber. After not caring about anything happening in the country because - allegedly - Joe Biden and the adults were in charge, they've stormed back to life demanding someone stop Donald Trump and Republicans.

There are things to critique about the current White House. I've written here about how his birthright citizenship executive order will fail. Congress will have to act to abolish USAID since previous Congresses authorized it. However, Trump has far more say in what happens in USAID than liberals want to admit.

But other things Trump is doing - like targeted ICE raids, kicking violent illegal aliens, and rebuilding America's strength abroad are well within his powers as president. We know this because when Joe Biden used the same powers, every liberal suddenly lost their voice.

I wish my liberal friends cared as much about executive abuses and failures in the past four years.

I wish you cared when Biden abandoned Afghanistan, Americans, and our allies with one of the worst withdrawals in history. In the aftermath of that decision, 73% of Afghanistan veterans felt betrayed. Another 67% felt humiliated by the decision. Mental health needs in the military spiked after Biden's orders led to death, chaos, and betrayal.

I wish my liberal friends cared when Biden issued vaccine mandates so harsh that they forced people to choose between vaccines or their livelihoods. The Supreme Court had to step in and stop that monstrosity. Instead of caring for people in the working class - who had to work in public during the pandemic, the Zoom and Laptop class mocked anyone while staying home.

I wish my liberal friends when Biden tried forgiving student loans without Congressional approval. The Supreme Courtstruck that down, too. It was a direct payoff to various interest groups in the Democratic Party, which anyone with a working brain saw as alienating the working class further from the Democratic Party.

When Biden weaponized the Department of Justice to target conservatives, liberals went quiet. Biden rolled back protections to allow crypto and firearm companies to be debanked. Biden's debanking push also targeted the Trump family, with Melania and Barron losing bank access. Biden had BigTech target anyone and everyone with speech he didn't like. Where was the outrage of clear abuse of power?

There's a really common line right now about Democrats saying, "We didn't elect Elon Musk." That's a great line, and it's correct. But Democrats voted for Joe Biden, and it is becoming distressingly clear that he wasn't even a full-time president—no one has a clear answer on his physical and mental capacity to perform the job. The scandal of how the Biden White House hid this from the public is a story yet to be told. No one knows how decisions were made.

None of you voted for Kamala Harris, but when the Democratic Party leadership kicked Biden to the side and announced Harris was the nominee, everyone got into lockstep agreement. No one voted for the bureaucrats who falsely claimed Hunter Biden's laptop was misinformation. 

I couldn't find any Democrats speaking out about pro-life activists jailed by the Biden administration. People that Trump had to pardon when he entered office.

When Donald Trump faced down not one, but two assassination attempts during the election, many of the people outraged lost their voice. If you want a direct threat to democracy, this was it. And Democrats failed that moment.

The ultimate kicker, though, is that Democrats suddenly lost their outrage and voice when Joe Biden allowed his family to profit off the government and his name. The Biden White House left office, issuing preemptive pardons going back a decade to prevent anyone from asking what Biden and his family were doing when Obama was still president.

In fairness to Biden, he wasn't alone. The Clinton Global Foundation has been attacked constantly as being nothing more than a pay-to-play scheme for the Clintons to enrich themselves. And Democrats haven't had much to say about that either.

Democrats are crying about the hypocrisy of the right - and they're only partially right. What Democrats are experiencing is Republicans giving up on playing by traditional rules and instead using the same rules as Democrats.

As a traditional conservative, I don't like this. It's deeply corrosive to a republic and country that I love and want to thrive. But I am also not blind to how we got here. Politics can be like a rubber band. When one side pulls the rubber back really far in one direction, they can get shocked when it swings back and smacks them in the face.

That's where we are now. Trump is governing like a Democrat while in the Republican Party. The time to say something was when your party was in power. The time to change government is when you have complete power - like Democrats did from 2020-2022.

Democrats are waking up and shocked that the world has changed. If they hadn't been so asleep at the wheel, they might not have gotten wiped out during the election. The law of sowing and reaping is in play. And I'm not blind to the fact that Democrats will be just as brash when they eventually get power again.

These are the new rules. I don't want these to be the new rules, but it's a hard political fact on why we're here. Denying that brings more of what is to come.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson