DANIEL VAUGHAN: With Press Like This Who Needs The Democratic Party?

 September 13, 2024

The most useless job in politics is a Democratic Communications team. Why bother with them when you have a press at your disposal? Between the debate and coverage of Kamala Harris, the sole job of an average comms stagger is to sit back and collect checks while journalists do your job for you.

For example, Time Magazine ran a glowing debate roundup declaring Kamala Harris the winner. Time Magazine went further and tried to fact-check Donald Trump along the way, and they got themselves in trouble. Trump accused Harris of supposed taxpayer money going towards gender transition care for illegal aliens, which Time Magazine blasted as false.

There was one problem with that: Trump was 100% correct. Time Magazine was forced to issue a correction, stating: "The original version of this story mischaracterized as false Donald Trump's statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting "transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison." As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition treatment for detained immigrants."

Democrats keep running into the stumbling block that is the 2019 Kamala Harris primary campaign. If there was a radical position, she took it while also trying to backtrack. Unfortunately, for her, it's all on video, audio, or text that's only five years old.

The New York Times and The Atlantic both ran interference for Harris, claiming this statement needed context. What context? They say Harris no longer claims to believe in this position and is not campaigning on it.

That's an interesting position to take since Donald Trump says the same thing about Project 2025, yet we get to hear endless diatribes about the evils of Project 2025 by people who have never read it. I keep waiting for Harris to provide the class with a breakdown of why Project 2025 is bad, but she can't.

Then, in the middle of the debate, the moderators tried to step in and help Harris. When Trump pointed out that former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam supported after-birth abortion and Democrats were so extreme they'd support the same thing everywhere, moderators blasted that as false.

Except it's not. Nine states, including Washington D.C., have no gestational limits on abortions and allow them after 32 weeks. A baby born at 32 weeks has a 95% survival rate.

There were plenty of other instances where the moderators either got it wrong, spent time editorializing their thoughts, or ignored Harris when she told a whopper. At no point were Harris or her campaign staff worried about what was going to happen on that stage.

Looking at the debate and coverage afterward, Mark Halperin said the press was out to protect Harris "at all costs." He added, "Not only was one news organization fully on board to continue through Election Day protecting her at all costs, but we saw in the coverage of the debate, which was laughably uneven, no recognition that it was laughably uneven. In fact, mostly praise for how great a job ABC did."

Notably, Halperin used to work at ABC News as a political director for the network's coverage. This is a far cry from the three-network era when they at least pretended to be unbiased.

These are the advantages of being a Democrat. The press will run out and cover whatever you do as the best thing ever. The brief period when the press decided to align against Biden was a new experience for Democrats. Suddenly, their longtime friend was against them, and they didn't know what to do.

Biden ran to ABC News for an interview in an attempt to stay in the race. He didn't expect ABC News to try and push him out. But now that the press has Harris, they've returned to form.

Why do Democratic comms people exist? The press drives the narratives for them, they invent fact checks, and Democratic candidates get covered in the most glowing light possible. The treatment of Biden stands out because it's in stark contrast to everything else the press had done. And even with Biden, all the negative coverage was a tacit admission by the media that they'd covered up Biden's age and health issues for years.

It's not hard to see why Americans are tuning out these networks. ABC News and its parent company, Disney, face spiraling costs. ABC News and its other news shows have had several rounds of layoffs.

After the debate, it's hard to feel bad for the network. If anything, we should be rooting for more layoffs. There's nothing of value at ABC News or many of these other prominent outlets. They're so far in the tank for Democrats that there's nothing for Democratic communications professionals to do.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson