AOC says Democrats who aren't ready to fight 'fascism' should retire

 July 15, 2024

President Joe Biden has been facing calls from within his own party to step down after an awful debate performance against former President Donald Trump late last month

Yet Biden isn't the only one to receive such calls, as "Squad" member Alexandria Ocasio Cortez says there are other Democrats who should go instead.

AOC: Democrats who aren't ready to fight "fascism" should retire

According to a report published on Sunday by Axios, one unnamed senior lawmaker said the Democratic Party has all but given up hope on beating former President Donald Trump.

That concession came in the wake of polling data showing the former president ahead along with an unsuccessful attempt to take his life this past weekend.

Yet as The Hill pointed out, those words didn't go over well with Ocasio Cortez, who lashed out in a social media post the same day.

"If you're a 'senior Democrat' that feels this way, you should absolutely retire and make space for true leadership that refuses to resign themselves to fascism," she wrote.

Democratic Party strategists uncertain over how to deal with Trump's shooting

"This kind of leadership is functionally useless to the American people. Retire," the New York representative went on to declare.

However, an earlier article published by The Hill on Sunday reported that many Democrats are uncertain over how to proceed following the assassination attempt on Trump.

One unnamed high-level Democratic strategist was quoted as telling the website, "There are more questions than answers right now."

"I don’t think anyone knows how this will turn out, even this week," the anonymous figure continued before adding, "There are so many unknowns."

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Another strategist remarked, "I’ve seen enough data to show my guy trailing. And the state-by-state numbers are really rough."

Meanwhile, Princeton University history professor Julian Zelizer suggested that the recent shooting may dampen efforts to replace Biden with another nominee.

"The clock is ticking and right now many Democrats won't focus on this as the nation is consumed with the assassination attempt. Some will believe destabilizing the ticket will be too hard to do," he stated.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson