BBC interview with Kelsey Grammer cut short when star expressed support for Trump

 December 6, 2023

Actor Kelsey Grammer is best known for his portrayal of the character Frasier Crane and he recently sat down for an interview with the BBC.

However, the interview was reportedly rushed to an end after Grammar's support for former President Donald Trump came up. 

Grammer "perfectly happy" to talk about politics

According to USA Today, BBC host Justin Webb at one point mentioned fellow sitcom star Roseanne Barr about her backing of the former president and asked if Grammer still backed Trump as well.

Yet Webb later revealed that while Grammer was willing to talk about his politics, public relations representatives from the streaming service Paramount+ quickly intervened.

"I have to say, actually, Kelsey Grammer himself was perfectly happy to go on talking about it," Webb was quoted as saying of the actor's politics.

BBC host: Paramount+ staff "less happy" to discuss Trump

"The Paramount+ PR people, less happy that he talked about it at some length," the host went on to say of the incident. "They decided that we’d had plenty of time for our interview."

"But I should stress that he was absolutely perfectly happy to talk about why he supports Donald Trump and still does in the coming election," Webb added.

Paramount+ is carrying a revival of "Frasier," a sitcom starring Grammer which originally ran from 1993 until 2004 on NBC.

Grammer has long made no secret of his support for Trump, and he isn't the only Hollywood star to have backed the former president.

Kirstie Alley once praised Trump for getting "things done quickly"

Actress Kirstie Alley appeared alongside Grammer on the television show "Cheers," and Newsweek reported in 2020 that she "sparked a backlash" after making pro-Trump statements.

"I'm voting for [Donald Trump] because he's NOT a politician. I voted for him 4 years ago for this reason and shall vote for him again for this reason," Alley was quoted as saying in a post on the social media platform then known as Twitter.

"He gets things done quickly and he will turn the economy around quickly," she continued before adding, "There you have it folks there you have it."

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