Biden administration nominee withdrawn over allegations of anti-Semitism

 February 15, 2023

House Republicans made headlines two weeks ago when they stripped Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of her committee assignments over comments that many regard as being anti-Semitic.

However, Omar is not the only Democrat to be hit with allegations of antisemitism. The Hill reported this week that a Biden administration nominee has been withdrawn due to remarks he made about Israel. 

According to the website, State Department Spokesperson Ned Price announced that President Joe Biden no longer wished to see James Cavallaro serve on the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

State Department spokesman says comments "do not reflect U.S. policy"

"We were not aware of the statements and writings," Price was quoted as telling reporters at a press briefing on Tuesday.

"His statements clearly do not reflect U.S. policy, they are not a reflection of what we believe and they are inappropriate to say the least," Price added.

Price objected to Cavallaro's claim that Israel is "an apartheid state." Also of concern are comments that the former nominee has made about elected officials.

This included accusing Democratic House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries of having been "Bought. Purchased. Controlled" by pro-Israel lobbying groups.

Nominee said GOP senator needs to "learn from the Palestinian people"

Cavallaro made similar allegations about West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, who he asserted has also been "bought and paid for."

Meanwhile, Cavallaro characterized Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins as a "pedantic, self-righteous and pompous" individual.

He went on to insist that Collins must "learn from the Palestinian people" and step down due to her "repeated moral failings."

For his part, Cavallaro put out a series of tweets on Tuesday in which he lamented the decision to withdraw his nomination.

Cavallaro claims to be "a committed, experienced advocate for human rights"

"Today, the [State Department] informed me that they were withdrawing my candidacy because of my view that the conditions in Israel/Palestine meet the definition of apartheid under international human rights law," Cavallaro tweeted.

"I then declined to sign a joint statement announcing the withdrawal of my nomination, as I played no part in making this decision & was ready to commit to another term as a Commissioner," he continued.

"My nomination would not have affected U.S. policy on Israel," Cavallaro went on to insist, adding, "What has the withdrawal of my nomination achieved? The removal from the [Inter-American Commission on Human Rights] of the potential return of a committed, experienced advocate for human rights in the Americas."

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