Biden officials caught trying to maintain poker face during Biden's gaffe-filled press conference

 July 14, 2024

Camera footage captured some of President Joe Biden's top White House officials trying to maintain a poker face while their leader made numerous gaffes at his NATO press conference. 

The footage has been posted by the New York Post, and it can be found here.

The footage was from Biden's press conference at the NATO summit that took place this past week.

This press conference has been referred to as Biden's first "big boy" press conference since his poor performance at the first presidential debate. In other words, the press conference was considered a proving ground for Biden, a way to show the world that he is capable of leading the country for another four years.

What happened?

Biden, during the press conference, made numerous gaffes. But, despite this, he was not as bad as he was at the presidential debate.

Fox News reports:

While some Democrats rushed to defend Biden's NATO press conference, Republicans pointed to gaffes from the day, including a response from Biden where he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as "Vice President Trump." Biden also introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as "President Putin" shortly before the press conference before correcting himself seconds later.

Nonetheless, the White House and some Democrats tried to claim that this outing was a massive success for Biden.

White House senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates, for example, wrote, "To answer the question on everyone’s minds: No, Joe Biden does not have a doctorate in foreign affairs. He’s just that f****** good."

Suffice it to say that many - even many Democrats - have criticized Bates' statement, considering what they saw at the press conference.

The video

Among those Biden officials to attend the press conference were Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and national security adviser Jake Sullivan.

They were seated right in the front row, and cameras caught them trying to keep a straight face as Biden said, "Look, I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if I think she’s not qualified to be president."

"Blinken . . . closed his eyes and dropped his head slightly when the president made the major mix-up on the world stage," The Post reports.

It adds, "Sullivan appeared to be trying his best to contain his emotions, putting his hand up to his mouth before balling it into a fist and resting it on his chin in what could be perceived as disbelief over the statement."

Obviously, none of this is a good look for Biden, the White House, or the United States.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson