Border Patrol Agent's Family Disheartened After Court Overturns Killer's Conviction

 August 16, 2024

As if frustrations about the colander that is the southern border weren't troubling enough, now even those who die in the line of duty are disrespected after death.

Following the recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to overturn the conviction of the man charged with Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's killing, the agent's family expressed their disgust and despair, as Breitbart News reported.

The border was a key issue for the Trump administration, and former President Donald Trump made it clear he plans to offer support and protection.

Four years after Heraclio Osorio-Arellanes was convicted of the on December 14, 2010 murder of Agent Terry , the conviction was dismissed by the court. The family of the slain agent was understandably distressed, speaking out about the overturned ruling.

From the Family

“We are sickened by this overturn and how our government is handling this case,” Terry’s oldest sister, Michelle Terry-Balough told Breitbart Texas.

“Osorio-Arellano confessed he was involved and present in my brother’s death.

"He was part of a rip crew who were on US soil robbing other drug smugglers with firearms supplied by our previous government.”

Case Details

According to Breitbart Texas, federal prosecutors in the trial against Jesus Rosario Favela-Astorga brought first-degree murder charges related to the killing of Border Patrol Agent Terry in southern Arizona.

Border Patrol BORTAC team member Agent Terry and his colleagues responded to a location where Mexican "rip-crews" would assault drug dealers and migrants. As the agents clashed with the crew, gunfire caused Agent Terry's death.

One of the firearms discovered at the murder site belonged to the Fast and Furious gun-running program that was overseen by the Obama-Biden administration, according to investigators.

As of this writing, no federal official has faced charges related to the conspiracy.

More Response

Agent Terry’s other sister, Kelly Terry-Willis, told Breitbart, “We are disheartened by the overturning of this conviction, which has prolonged our family’s suffering and prevented closure.

"The illegal entry of the defendant into the country and the events of Operation Fast and Furious highlight the critical need for robust national security policies.”

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Agent John Dodson told Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson, “When Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed, I immediately noticed that my agency was attempting to cover up any link between the investigation and the strategy that we employed and the death of Agent Terry.”

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson