Chuck Schumer urges Biden to forgo re-election as top Democrats ramp up pressure to quit

 July 19, 2024

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-Ny.) urged Joe Biden to end his re-election bid during a tense meeting.

Schumer's demand is another sign that leading Democrats are losing confidence in Biden and running out of patience with his stubborn refusal to end his campaign.

Biden has faced mounting pressure to step down since his disastrous debate with Donald Trump on June 27.

Leading Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, are afraid Biden is dragging the party to defeat this November.

Schumer wants Biden OUT

According to ABC News, Schumer had a "blunt" talk with Biden in Delaware last Saturday.

Schumer confirmed that the meeting took place and said he "conveyed the views of his caucus." At the same time, Schumer downplayed the reporting.

“Unless ABC’s source is Senator Chuck Schumer or President Joe Biden the reporting is idle speculation,” a spokesman said.

Meanwhile, Schumer isn't the only top Democrat trying to get Biden to reconsider.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca.) has also spoken with Biden, telling him he cannot defeat Trump in November and may cost Democrats their chance of flipping the House of Representatives.

California Democrat Adam Schiff (D-Ca.), a close ally of Pelosi, became the most high-profile Democrat this week to publicly call on Biden to quit.

Obama, too

Looming in the background is Barack Obama, Biden's former boss, whom many see as a key figure in the conversations surrounding Biden's future.

It's not a secret that Biden and Obama have had their differences over the years, and Biden is likely to resent Obama's role in pushing him to quit.

Biden has responded so far with defiance, accusing "elites" of trying to sidestep primary voters who chose him.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that Obama has told allies, including Pelosi, that Biden should quit.

It is difficult to see how Biden can continue like this, with the liberal media and leading Democrats turning against him. Of course, he is a stubborn man, but if Democrats can convince him that he is destroying his legacy by staying in the race, he might be persuaded to give it up.

The Biden campaign dismissed the latest speculation on Thursday, saying Biden - who just tested positive for COVID - hasn't wavered at all about staying in the race.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson