Clinton: Trump's ‘word salads’ are incoherent

 September 21, 2024

Former first lady Hillary Clinton seems to still be nursing a grudge following her 2016 loss to former President Donald Trump, as her interviews about Trump continue.

In her most recent appearance Thursday on ABC’s “The View” Clinton continued to talk about the former rival, saying his comments seemed like someone who was not entirely mentally cognizant.

Her comments were teed up by the left-leaning hosts of the daytime show, who pointed to some of Trump's more recent contentious comments made during the recent presidential debate, as Breitbart News reported.

Clinton's Comments

Co-host Joy Behar said, “The other day he said the Haitians have to go back to Venezuela. I mean, he’s really losing it. So what really annoys me is they raked poor Joe Biden over the coals for every little misstep and this guy gets away with every single thing and that’s including a lot of the media. What do you make of that?”

Clinton took the setup, saying, “I don’t know what to make of it because I find it disturbing as well because if you, you know, if you listen to him half the time he makes no sense. It’s word salads, it’s incoherence, it’s grievance. And you listen and you try to figure out. He is though someone who has a kind of visceral ability to trigger people, trigger their hatred, their anger, their insecurity, their fears, anxieties.”

She added, “And so in the word salad, he’ll say migrants, killing people, and all of a sudden, you know, whatever was before, this crazy stuff that has been disproven over and over again, doesn’t stop him. He gets that feeling. He actually just wanders around and then he comes up with something that gets people upset.”

More Shade for Trump

Some of Trump's detractors posted a video of his town hall meeting and accused the former president of going on a "aimless rant" in an effort to disprove the claim.

On X, which was previously known as Twitter, a user shared a video of the former president's diatribe and written, "Answers come in complete sentences. B------- comes in paragraphs."

Another user said, "It's so easy to bait him. He saw someone say he rambles, and now he's worked his rambling excuse for his rambling into every rally speech 😂 and how often has he mentioned people not leaving his rallies since the debate? 🤣"

Yet another person joked, "I'm starting to think the rally jab during the debate really struck a nerve with the Orange Cheeto puff."

Trump's Take

The former president addressed concerns about his verbiage, saying that it is part of the "fake news" that is creating a fuss about how he speaks.

"There's a lot of people — but the fake news likes to say, 'Oh, he was rambling.' No, no, that's not rambling. That's genius when you can connect the dots," Trump said.

Addressing his co-host at the event, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, he said, "Now, Sarah, if you couldn't connect the dots, you got a problem, but every dot was connected, and many stories were told in that little paragraph.

"They say, 'Oh no, he rambles.' What the h--- are all you people showing up for if I ramble? You don't want to show up for a rambler!"

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Thomas Jefferson