Democrat senator says Biden-Harris stalling Trump assassination attempt probe

 September 18, 2024

Stalwart Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) accused the Biden-Harris administration's Department of Homeland Security of stalling an investigation by Congress into the first assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump on July 13 at a Butler, Pennsylvania rally.

A Secret Service sniper shot Thomas Matthew Crooks to death after Crooks fired eight shots at Trump, striking him in the ear and killing another rallygoer with one of the stray bullets. Two other rallygoers were seriously injured but recovered.

Blumenthal told reporters, “I am reaching the point of total outrage, because the response from the Department of Homeland Security has been totally lacking.”

“In fact, I think it’s tantamount to stonewalling in many respects,” Blumenthal added.

"Derelict in its duty"

Blumenthal chairs the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.

He said that DHS has been “almost derelict in its duty by resisting our requests for documents, evidence and information that are necessary to investigate” the incident, which would have taken Trump's life if he hadn't turned his head to look at a chart on the video screen at the last second.

“The Department of Homeland Security has to be more forthcoming, not only to me, but to the American people, and it has to do it quickly or it will fuel the conspiracy theories that are so dangerous to our democracy, as well as undermining its own credibility,” the notoriously liberal senator continued.

Subpoenas may be coming

Blumenthal said he favors a subpoena to get the information he needs.

“I’ll certainly support a subpoena,” he said. “It takes very little drafting to do a subpoena here and even less time.”

“I know how to do subpoenas. I’m ready, willing and able to use the subpoena process if necessary to get information from the Department of Homeland Security,” Blumenthal added.

While one might expect Democrats to be okay with slow-walking the investigation into the first Trump assassination attempt, Blumenthal's ire makes sense when you consider that he would want to shut down conspiracy theories, especially the ones involving the Democrat party paying Crooks to take out Trump.

No one has still been able to pinpoint a motive for Crooks to shoot Trump, and since he's dead he really can't shed any light on the topic.

More to investigate

The committee may have a lot more to investigate after a second assassination attempt on Trump was foiled before anyone could be hurt.

A would-be assassin was arrested late Sunday after he was allegedly found lying in wait for Trump in some bushes less than 500 feet from where Trump was golfing in West Palm Beach, Florida on Sunday afternoon.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson