Democrats demand that Justice Alito recuse himself following flag controversy

 May 27, 2024

The New York Times reported earlier this month that an upside-down flag was flown outside Justice Samuel Alito's house in 2021 while another flag associated with the American Revolution appeared at his summer home.

In a bombshell move, Senate Democrats are now demanding that Alito recuse himself from any cases involving former President Donald Trump or the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill.

Senators claim Supreme Court faces an "ethics crisis"

According to NBC News, those demands were part of a letter sent this past Thursday to Chief Justice John Roberts by two Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

In their correspondence, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin and Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse complained of an "ethics crisis" within America's highest judicial body.

They called for a meeting with Roberts "as soon as possible" and demanded that the Supreme Court "adopt an enforceable code of conduct for justices."

What's more, Durbin and Whitehouse further alleged that there is "reasonable doubt" regarding Alito's ability to act impartially.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal calls flag "a political statement"

This is not the first time that Democratic lawmakers have gone after Alito, as Breitbart noted that Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal did so too last week.

Breitbart quoted Blumenthal as telling MSNBC host Chris Hayes that he was not surprised to learn of the flag flown at Alito's New Jersey summer home.

"Because this political statement, make no mistake, this flag is a political statement. It is part of a pattern," the longtime Democrat insisted.

"This political statement is, in effect, support for Donald Trump for a religious strand of the Stop the Steel movement and for [a] theological vision of what America ought to be and how it ought to be governed," he declared.

"At a minimum he has to recuse himself from these cases coming before the court that will determine whether or not Trump is held accountable," Blumenthal stated.

Flag was spotted on January 6

The flag in question is known as an "Appeal to Heaven" flag and was carried by American patriots during the Revolutionary War.

It has since been embraced by some conservatives and was spotted alongside other flags at the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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