Democrat's virtual roll call will all but guarantee Harris' nomination before convention

 August 1, 2024

Democrats were thrown into crisis earlier this summer after President Joe Biden ended his campaign following a disastrous debate performance against former President Donald Trump.

Biden later endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, and in a bombshell move, party leaders have all but guaranteed her nomination.  

Harris will be nominated before convention begins

According to Breitbart, the Democratic National Committee scheduled a virtual roll call, with delegates to finish voting on August 5--two weeks before the Democratic National Convention begins in Chicago.

While the party's physical convention will still take place as planned, the early vote will preempt any challenge to Harris' candidacy.

Jaime Harrison serves as chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and Breitbart noted that he issued a  statement on Tuesday which all but confirmed Harris' confirmation.

"Our Party has met this unprecedented moment with a transparent, democratic, and orderly process to unite behind a nominee with a proven record who will lead us in the fight ahead," Harrison was quoted as saying.

Republicans will air footage of Harris supporting radical position

Meanwhile, The New York Times reported this week that Republicans are planning to focus on Harris' history of publicly voicing support for radical positions.

Republican strategist and ad maker Brad Todd told the newspaper that there is ample footage of the vice president calling for far-left policies, saying, "The archive is deep."

"We will run out of time before we run out of video clips of Kamala Harris saying wacky California liberal things," he stressed, adding, "I'm just not sure that the rest of this campaign includes much besides that."

An example of that strategy came last week in the form of an ad released by a pro-Trump Super PAC called Make America Great Again Inc.

Ads highlight Harris' opposition to fracking, claims that border is secure

It begins with a narrator stating, "If you thought Joe Biden was radical, just wait until you get to know Kamala Harris. She's dangerously liberal."

Harris is shown rejecting the idea "that by putting more police on the street you're going to have more safety," while another clip features Harris boasting that the border is "secure" even as massive numbers of illegal migrants can be seen entering the country.

Meanwhile, Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate Dave McCormick aired an ad that highlighted Harris' previous pledge to ban fracking.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson