Donald Trump Jr. wants "veto power over the RINOs" should his father win election

 July 19, 2024

Ivanka Trump was a visible part of former President Donald Trump's first term in office, serving as an advisor to her father.

While Ms. Trump has made clear that she will not be returning to Washington, Donald Trump Jr. recently addressed questions about what position he might take.

Trump Jr. wants "to have veto power over the RINOs"

When speaking with Fox News at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee on Tuesday, Trump said, "I don't want a role in an administration — I don't want to do that."

"The only role I want is to put our people in other positions of power. I just want to stop the bad guys from ever getting into those positions of power.

"That’s the only thing I want," Trump stressed before adding, "I want to veto the RINOs. I want to have veto power over the RINOs. That's all I'm asking for."

The term "RINO" is an acronym for "Republican In Name Only," and is used as a term of derision for those who are regarded as being insufficiently conservative.

Trump Jr. calls J.D. Vance "an incredible America First patriot"

In addition to addressing potential plans for his father's second term, Trump also spoke to Fox News about Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance.

Trump called Vance, who is serving as the Republican Party's vice presidential nominee, "an incredible America First patriot."

"I think he is someone who truly believes in that mission — he is not a Washington D.C. neocon warmonger, and I think that is so critical," Trump asserted.

"I love having a young, articulate, energetic guy as someone who can help also keep this movement going for generations to come — I think that is so fundamental and so important," he continued.

"He's going to do a great job as vice president"

Trump went on to describe Vance as being "someone who is probably one of the most articulate fighters against the insanity over on the other side."

The former president's son further stressed that Vance "does a better job in hostile media territory than most of our best guys do."

"I think it is just so critical for the movement going forward and I think he's going to do a great job as vice president," Trump added.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson