Family encourages Biden to stay in the race while discussing firing top advisers

 July 1, 2024

Damage control is in full swing for the family and friends of President Joe Biden, and changes could be coming down the line for those advising the president.

According to a recent report by CNN, the president's family encouraged thim to stay in the 2024 race and privately discussed whether top aides should be fired on Sunday.

This comes in the wake of Biden’s truly atrocious debate performance, including vacant stares, standing with his mouth agape, and generally looking like someone who would be better suited for assisted living than the White Hosue.

That performance, it is believed, has thrown his campaign into turmoil and the first family is coping with the fallout of the president's evident decline.

Couple Under Fire

One of the Democratic Party's most generous and well-known supporters, Florida attorney John Morgan, is among those whose animosity toward Biden's top staff members has begun to surface publicly.

Anita Dunn, a senior aide, and Bob Bauer, Biden's personal attorney, were singled out by the attorney.

“Biden has for too long been fooled by the value of Anita Dunn and her husband. They need to go … TODAY,” Morgan wrote on X on Sunday.

Family Response

Mainstream outlets, like CNN, have reported that "Biden’s family, including first lady Jill Biden, son Hunter Biden and their grandchildren … implored the president to keep fighting in his bid for reelection," according to a his advisors.

The family members were described by one adviser as having provided their “unequivocal support.”

One adviser stated that the family, who were evidently dissatisfied with the team that prepared President Biden for his alarming debate with former President Donald Trump, deliberated on whether any of Biden's top advisers should be terminated and whether campaign personnel changes should be implemented.

Biden's Take

Conversely, Biden is infamously loyal to his trusted advisors and dislikes dismissing them. This raises the question of whether those close to the president have to be taken into any dangerous confidence to be able to work for the commander-in-chief. As of Sunday, no big personnel shakeups appeared to be in the works.

The president's support and adoration from Biden's family on Sunday echoed the first lady's recent gushing public glorification of her husband.

On Sunday, she spoke with Vogue and promised to "continue the fight" when asked about the family's stance on the president's first 90 minutes in office.

The Fallout

However, in the aftermath of Thursday's presidential debate on CNN, Biden and his campaign are facing a deluge of demands for the president to step down, which coincided with the family meeting at the presidential retreat.

The president and his inner circle are just beginning to comprehend the immediate aftermath of the CNN debate, which has shocked many.

Instead of accepting responsibility for Biden's own performance, advisers jumped to conclusions and said that harsh media criticism was to blame.

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