Five states to push for election integrity measures including mandatory voter ID

 March 15, 2025

Election integrity is still a major concern for many Americans and especially those in states that still do not require any form of identification for voting, which can lead to non-citizens casting votes in important elections.

According to JustTheNews, five states are currently pushing to amend their constitutions and/or push new bills that would require all voters to show identification at the polls, which would be a massive step forward in securing elections. 

Only about half of the states require identification to vote, and only 15 explicitly prohibit non-citizen voters from casting votes, a number most believe is far too low.

Voter identification has high approval numbers across the nation, especially as the number of illegal immigrants inside the United States increased exponentially under former President Joe Biden.

What's going on?

The five states now pushing for voter ID include Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Utah and Wisconsin.

American voters across the country highly favor the idea of making voter ID a must. JustTheNews reported:

According to a Rasmussen Reports poll released last month, 77% of U.S. likely voters believe that requiring photo ID to vote is a reasonable measure to protect election integrity. The survey was conducted Jan. 26-28 of 1,229 U.S. likely voters, with a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points.

Thirty-five states require voters to show identification when they cast their vote, but exceptions exist.

"Of the 35 states, 23 require voters to present photo ID, with some exceptions, and 12 do not explicitly require it," JustTheNews pointed out.

The problem, among many, is that thousands of non-citizens have been discovered on various states' voters rolls, which is especially concerning given how close many elections can be.

Some of the deepest blue states, such as California, Maryland, and Vermont, allow non-citizen voters to cast votes in local elections.

Making it happen

Iowa, a crucial swing state and one that usually garners the most attention to kick off the voting season, is leading the way in pushing for new law that would secure its elections.

JustTheNews noted:

Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate (R) proposed legislation that would prevent non-citizens from being added to the state voter rolls. The bill was recommended for passage by a state Senate committee last week.

The other states are pushing various measures to secure their elections, including possible constitutional amendments.

Only time will tell if more states follow suit. Let's hope so.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson