Former Jordanian Prime Minister and Senate President Zaid Al-Rifai dead at 88

 August 13, 2024

The U.S.-allied Middle Eastern nation of Jordan is in mourning after one of its formerly most prominent and powerful political leaders passed away.

Former Jordanian Prime Minister Zaid Al-Rifai, who also served as president of the nation's Senate among several other influential governmental offices, died on Monday at the age of 88, Ammon News reported.

Some of the other roles filled by Al-Rifai over his decades-long career included top diplomatic posts, serving as a senior adviser to the Jordanian Royal Family and Court, and as the minister of multiple departments.

Long career as a political leader in Jordan

Roya News reported that Al-Rifai was born in Ammon in 1936 and received an education in Jordan and Egypt before obtaining a bachelor's degree from Harvard University and a master's degree from Columbia University in the United States.

He first entered government service as a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and worked at the Jordanian embassies in Egypt, Lebanon, the United Kingdom, and the United Nations.

In the mid-1960s, Al-Rifai began serving the Royal Hashemite Court and worked his way up the chain in roles that included chief of protocol, secretary general, private secretary to the king, and ultimately chief of the entire court.

In 1971, he was appointed to be the Jordanian Ambassador to the U.K., and at that time survived a suspected Palestinian militant assassination attempt, before returning to serve as the king's top political adviser.

Al-Rifai went on to serve two stints as prime minister, first in 1973, when he simultaneously served as the minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense, and again in 1985, when he also doubled as the Defense minister once more.

He also served multiple terms in Jordan's Senate from 1978 until 1997, then served as president of the Senate from 1997 until his retirement in 2009, following the appointment of his son, Samir Zaid al-Rifai, as the nation's prime minister.

Honored for his public service

The Jordan Times reported that Al-Rifai was honored with a funeral service on Tuesday which was attended by Jordanian King Abdullah and the Crown Prince, among other top officials and dignitaries.

The Times reported separately a day earlier that Al-Rifai's death was publicly mourned by his current successor as prime minister, Bisher Khasawneh.

Khasawneh offered his "deepest condolences and sympathy" to the grieving family and paid tribute to his predecessor's accomplishments and the many top positions he'd held as a government official.

The Times also observed that Al-Rifai had been recognized for his public service throughout his life and career with several prestigious national awards, including the Jordanian Order of Independence (First Class), The Order of the Star of Jordan (First Class), and the Jordanian Order of the Renaissance (First Class).

He was also honored over the years with a number of other merit awards from the Arab region and internationally.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson