Former MSNBC host accused of going on 'vile antisemitic rant'

 March 2, 2025

Liberals, especially liberals in the media, love to pretend they are better than every single conservative in America, but Americans are getting pretty sick of their holier-than-thou attitude.

Especially when it's completely false.

According to the New York Post, "former MSNBC host Joy Reid went 'on a vile antisemitic rant,' in which she blamed Orthodox Jews for the spread of COVID-19 in New York City, a former production assistant at the network claims."

Things like that are exactly why Joy Reid is now a FORMER MSNBC host. Even a network as biased as MSNBC doesn't want to be known for this type of behavior. It makes sense the two sides would split ways.


During the summer of COVID in 2020, Joy Reid reportedly went on an antisemetic rant in which she blamed Jews for the spread of COVID because of their reckless behavior during the pandemic, the former assistant said.

The ex-PA spoke on the condition of anonymity, revealing that Joy Reid accused Orthodox Jews of only caring "about themselves" and said they are "in their own bubble." The source said that "people should know what her character is."

"They’re the reason why COVID is spreading across New York," Joy Reid reportedly said. "They don't care about COVID or spreading it to others."

It really is wild that Joy Reid would make such claims considering that much of liberals schtick involves diversity and inclusion, no matter how undeserving the group in question is.

For example, DEI hiring practices revolve around picking people based on their skin color and gender, not how good the people would be at their job. Liberals also want illegal immigrants to be able to get away with crime simply because they might come from a less developed country.

It's a disgusting double standard, and even people who were once willing to work at places like MSNBC are getting sick of it.

Network's (non)response

The ex-PA, who is Jewish, brought up her concerns to people at the network, but nothing was done.

"I was shocked she called out a group and generalized them," she recalled. It was even more bizarre that "other people on the call went along with it as if it’s a normal thing to say."

"No one called her out [saying] ‘Maybe we shouldn’t generalize.’ Imagine if you said that about any other group of people – even if it were true – saying that any other group didn’t care about COVID? I remember feeling shocked – shocked by her ignorance and how antisemitic it sounded."

Later that day, the PA sent a message to her boss, then-senior producer Lorena Ruiz. Ruiz didn't find it necessary to take any action.

"Joy can be very careless with her language," Ruiz leaked response said, "Luckily, she is generally better on air than on the calls."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson