Gov. Whitmer announces free community college for all Michigan high school seniors

 July 13, 2024

Paying off college debt or paying for tuition seems to be the leading strategy for Democrats in the 2024 election.

President Joe Biden isn't the only one courting younger voters with promises of making going to college essentially free by paying off student loan debt, as Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is making a similar play.

According to a press release from her office, Gov. Whitmer just secured free community college for Michigan High School graduates for the 2024-25 school year.

Whitmer has been floated as a potential replacement for Biden, who continues to struggle within the ranks of his own party in the wake of the humiliating and telling debate with Donald Trump and several interviews afterward.

What's going on?

The news regarding the free college for seniors came as the state squared away its budget, announcing that Whitmer followed through on the "Michigan Guarantee" to make community college free.

"Today, Governor Whitmer highlighted the new school aid budget, which delivers on the Michigan Guarantee so every high school graduate can earn an associate’s degree or skills certificate from an in-district community college tuition-free, saving more than 18,000 students up to $4,800 a year," the press release read.

"I’m proud of our work to lower the cost of higher education and put college or skills training in reach for more working Michigan families," said Whitmer.

She added, "This education budget goes even further, delivering on our Michigan Guarantee to ensure every Michigan high school graduate can earn an associate degree or skills certificate tuition-free at their community college. Across our state more Michiganders are going back to school and getting the skills they need for high-skilled, better-paying jobs.

"We’ll keep working to lower barriers to economic prosperity and help more families ‘make it’ in Michigan."

Gov. Whitmer, in her most recent State of the State address, announced the "Michigan Guarantee," which helps residents of the state can access "quality education from pre-K through community college."

Recent remarks

Even though she's downplayed the idea of replacing Biden, Whitmer made headlines recently after she admitted "it wouldn't hurt" for Biden to take a cognitive test.

"I don’t think that would hurt, to be honest," Whitmer said, while admitting that Biden's debate with Trump wasn't great.

She added, "We have a field, and unless one person, Joe Biden, makes an alternative decision, this is the field, and we’ve got to go," Whitmer said.

Many Democratic donors have floated Whitmer as a viable replacement should Biden step aside. Only time will tell.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson