Harris camp hoping to minimize celebrity presence at DNC

 August 12, 2024

Like most Democratic Party presidential nominees before her, Kamala Harris has seen no shortage of support from showbusiness notables since taking the campaign reigns from Joe Biden last month.

However, with the Democratic National Convention in Chicago approaching next week, officials with the Harris camp are doing their best to steer clear of an event that is jam-packed with celebrity faces, a scenario that could turn off voters who are unimpressed with celebrity political endorsements, as the Washington Examiner reports.

Curated roster planned

Though Democrats are known for drawing big-name Hollywood names to their fundraisers and election year conventions, party brass this time around are hoping for a bit less flash.

When Joe Biden was still the presumptive nominee for the 2024 contest, he made headlines with appearances at star-studded events that included the likes of George Clooney, Jack Black, Julia Roberts, and more.

There is now concern among some, however, that having veritable rotating cast of stars on the dais in the Windy City will turn what the party hopes will be a substantive presentation of its policy platform into a festival of the “liberal elite.”

Even so, TMZ reports that top talent from tinsel town and beyond has been clamoring for visible roles at the DNC, though not everyone is likely to make the cut, given the party's desired shift away from a potentially problematic, out-of-touch image.

The origins of the concerns about this year's convention, according to sources, were former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's heavy reliance on celebrity appearances during her ill-fated 2016 campaign, something insiders said backfired with everyday Americans, or as Clinton dubbed them, "deplorables."

Paring down the list

According to Harris campaign officials, as soon as the VP was tapped to take over for Biden as the party's standard-bearer this fall, celebrities in large numbers started clamoring for a piece of the action, offering themselves for appearances in support of the campaign.

Adrienne Elrod, spokesperson for the Harris campaign, weighed in, saying, “We are living in the most personalized media environment ever, so it's crucial we are leveraging the unparalleled excitement around this historic ticket by doing everything we can to break through to the voters who will decide this election.”

“Celebrities bring new voters into the fold by speaking authentically to their fan bases about the election and the issues at stake in ways only they can,” Elrod continued.

With that said, it appears that party leaders are treading carefully when it comes to convention planning so as to avoid the sort of glittering parade of stars that rank-and-file citizens may find unrelatable and off-putting.

Swifties set to mobilize

One megawatt superstar whose influence on fans may be too much for party leaders to resist, however, is Taylor Swift, whose historical allegiance to liberal causes and her past opposition to Donald Trump could be viewed as a major campaign asset for Harris.

As ABC News reports, Swift herself has yet to make any formal presidential endorsement, but that is not to say that her legions of fans plan to sit on the sidelines.

To that end, a group that calls itself “Swifties for Kamala” is planning to host a kickoff virtual call on Aug. 27 designed to mobilize “Taylor Swift fans committed to protecting American democracy by working together to ensure Vice President Kamala Harris is elected our country's next president,” but whether such efforts will move the needle one way or the other, only time will tell.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson