House GOP releases long-awaited impeachment inquiry report against Joe Biden

 August 20, 2024

Earlier this year, House Republicans made a serious push to impeach President Joe Biden, but the process was ultimately buried in the headlines and seemed to fizzle out. 

However, according to Politico, after a long-awaited House GOP report, Republican investigators have accused the elderly president of "impeachable conduct."

A 291-page report published this week by the House Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means Committees argues why Biden's actions are impeachable.

"Abuse of power" and "obstruction" are the primary reasons House Republican investigators believe Biden should be impeached.

What's going on?

If those charges sound familiar, it's because House Democrats issued the same charges against former President Donald Trump in 2019.

"The Constitution’s remedy for a President’s flagrant abuse of office is clear: impeachment by the House of Representatives and removal by the Senate," the report read, adding they are sending the report to the House "for its evaluation and consideration of appropriate next steps."

The report came roughly eight months after House Republicans formalized the impeachment inquiry against Biden.

While many have waited for Republicans to continue to take action on Biden's impeachment, the process is extremely unlikely to move forward for a few primary reasons, with one being that Republicans simply don't have the support to make anything happen.

Secondly, sources familiar with the committee's actions told Politico that the investigations have largely wrapped up, effectively killing the impeachment efforts.

Politico also noted:

Some Judiciary Committee Republicans have pushed to hold public hearings on impeachment articles, but Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) didn’t commit to that step in a recent interview, instead indicating the decision about where to go next is up to the larger conference.

Not enough support

House Republicans have fallen short in their attempt to secure enough support to move the process along.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) applauded his colleagues for the report and encouraged all Americans to read it, but stopped short of announcing a House floor vote or any other actions that would indicate the process will continue on.

A White House spokesperson celebrated the release of the report, accusing Republicans of wasting taxpayer money for years in the seemingly failed attempt to impeach the president.

"After wasting nearly two years and millions of taxpayer dollars, House Republicans have finally given up on their wild goose chase. This failed stunt will only be remembered for how it became an embarrassment that their own members distanced themselves from as they only managed to turn up evidence that refuted their false and baseless conspiracy theories," the White House spokesperson said.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson