House Republicans push for U.S. coastal waters to be named after Trump

 June 15, 2024

Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives are looking to name the United States' coastal waterways after former President Donald Trump. 

Fox News reports that a bill to this effect has been introduced, this past week, in the House.

The legislation was put forth on Friday by U.S. Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL).

This all comes as Trump is celebrating his 78th birthday, which also took place on Friday. The passage of this legislation would certainly be a nice present.

The details

The waters referred at the outset - the ones that would bear Trump's name were Steube's legislation to become law - are those waters that immediately surround the United States. These waters are known as the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Fox explains, "An EEZ refers to waterways immediately off a country’s coast where it can claim sole rights for fishing, drilling and other activities. The U.S. has the largest EEZ in the world at 4,383,000 square miles."

If Steube's bill were to become law, the United States' EEZ would be named the "Donald John Trump Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States." According to Fox, Steube's bill "would mandate the name change on any applicable laws, maps, documents and other records."

Given the current makeup of the federal government - where the Democrats control the presidency and the U.S. Senate, while the Republicans control the House - it seems unlikely that the bill is going to get anywhere. Even if it does pass the House, the chances are that U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) would not even bring the measure up for a vote.

But, as Fox puts it, the legislation is "evidence of Trump’s enduring influence within the Republican Party."

"Trump cares"

In conjunction with the bill, Steube has released a statement explaining why he believes that it ought to be supported by Congress.

Steube said that, in his opinion, Trump really "cares about the strength and resilience of our oceans."

The congressman continued:

During his time in office, President Trump took several commendable actions for our oceans as part of his work to make America strong, secure, and economically prosperous. I’m honored to introduce legislation that will rename our coastal waters after President Trump and serve as a reminder of his many contributions to our nation for generations to come.

Trump, himself, has not commented on the legislation.

According to Fox, Steube's bill is the second bill introduced this session that would have named an internationally used entity after Trump.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson