Hung Cao, a Trump-backed VA Senate candidate, wins primary challenge, will run against Tim Kaine

 June 19, 2024

While the media attention is almost squarely on the upcoming November election, several other elections took place around the country this past week. 

According to Fox News, Trump-backed Senate Republican candidate Hung Cao won his Virginia primary challenge which means he gets the chance to taken down Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA).

Cao managed to beat Republican candidates Club for Growth employee Scott Parkinson and constitutional attorney Jonathan Emord.

The victory marks a massive win for Trump, as it gives his campaign a good look at Virginia's voters and how they're leaning.

Glowing endorsement

While Trump's endorsements sometimes vary in intensity, Cao received one of the strongest Trump endorsements to date. Trump posted it last month on his Truth Social account.

"A Combat Veteran and Highly Decorated Special Operations Officer, Hung Cao will be a tireless fighter to stop inflation, grow our Economy, secure our Border, strong support our incredible Military/Vets, and defend our always under siege Second Amendment," Trump wrote.

He added, "Hung Cao has my Complete and Total Endorsement."

Fox News noted:

While his opponent earned Trump's coveted seal of approval, Parkinson had garnered significant endorsements from current Republican senators. Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Pete Ricketts, R-Neb., Mike Lee, R-Utah, Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., and Mike Braun, R-Ind., are listed among his endorsers.

But even all of that star power wasn't enough to overcome the endorsement from Trump, often called a Republican kingmaker given the political power of his endorsement.

Statements released

Cao wrote a number of statement on his social media accounts in the wake of the victory.

"Today, we begin our campaign to save the country that saved my life. President Trump and I will win in November and we will save America. I spent twenty-five years fighting for this country, and I’m not done yet," Cao wrote on X.

"Congratulations @HungCao_VA! Hung Cao will make a great Senator for Virginia and I am proud to endorse him - let's take back the U.S. Senate!" wrote Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R).

Hopefully, Cao has enough resources and help to unseat Kaine in November.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson