Hunter Biden's sentencing hearing for firearms conviction delayed 3 weeks by federal judge

 September 20, 2024

While the situation hasn't garnered the headlines it did earlier this year, Hunter Biden legal problems are far from over. 

Just this week, a judge agreed to delay his sentencing hearing in the gun charges-related case by three weeks. The original sentencing date was set for Nov. 13, a week after Election Day.

Hunter Biden's attorneys recently sent a request to U.S. District Judge Maryellen Norieka asking if the sentencing could be pushed back so as to not overlap with other pending legal cases.

The federal judge agreed this week to push the sentencing back to Dec. 4, The Washington Times reported.

What's going on?

Defense attorney Abbe Lowell argued that because he's representing Hunter Biden in several cases that he was too stretched thin to get everything done by the original sentencing date.

The president's son is facing a pretrial conference for an unrelated civil lawsuit on Nov. 12, which would have been a day before his original sentencing hearing.

He also faces a sentencing hearing for the California-based federal tax-related charges on Dec. 16, providing for a full calendar for his attorney.

The Washington Times noted:

Hunter Biden will be sentenced on three felony gun charges after a Delaware jury convicted him on all three counts in June. He was found guilty of two charges related to his lying about his drug use on a federal form when purchasing a revolver and illegally possessing the gun while being addicted to drugs.

The firearms charges could result in a maximum penalty of up to 25 years in prison along with $750,000 in fines, but the outlet noted that given he's a first-time offender, he'll likely receive a much lesser sentence.

It was also noted that President Joe Biden has insisted that he will not pardon his son or commute his sentence, if it comes down to that, but many are skeptical and believe his father will ultimately intervene.

Social media reacts

Many social media users agreed that Hunter Biden will likely not spend a single day in jail and implied that his father will use his executive powers to make sure of it.

"Daddy will take care of it," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "And Joe will pardon him in January before he leaves office. Bet the farm on that one."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson