Jack Smith prosecutor told to 'calm down' by Judge Aileen Cannon

 May 24, 2024

Special Counsel Jack Smith's classified documents case against former President Donald Trump isn't headed in the direction many thought it once was. 

That was proven again in court this week after the judge overseeing the case was forced to demand that one of Smith's prosecutors "calm down" after an outburst.

According to the Daily Caller, Judge Aileen Cannon reprimanded prosecutor David Harbach over a response to a question regarding an evidence meeting.

The news came as Judge Cannon made headlines earlier this month when she delayed Smith's classified documents probe "indefinitely" in an effort to sort through several pretrial motions and other business.

What happened?

The Daily Caller noted that Harbach's frustration was about a question regarding co-defendant Walt Nauta, Donald Trump's valet at Mar-a-Lago.

Judge Aileen Cannon reprimanded prosecutor David Harbach after he expressed frustration in response to a question about whether prosecutors maintained evidence of a meeting in August 2022 with defense attorney Stanley Woodward, which is part of his client’s bid to dismiss the indictment based on “selective and vindictive prosecution,” according to Politico.

At one point during the exchange, Cannon was forced to step in to get the courtroom under control.

"I’m going to have to ask that you calm down," Cannon told Harbach.

The frustrated prosecutor called Woodward's story "garbage."

"Mr. Woodward’s story about what happened at that meeting is a fantasy; it did not happen," Harbach said during his meltdown.

More gag orders

Also this week, Smith made another desperate request for the judge to issue a gag order against Trump after the former president claimed that Biden sent the feds to his home "locked & loaded" during the raid on Mar-a-Lago.

The claim came after newly unearthed documents said that federal agents were authorized to use "deadly force." It was noted that the same language was included in the warrant in the classified documents raid on President Joe Biden's Delaware home, as it's standard language in a warrant.

The Hill noted:

In his request, Smith asked the court to impose a condition that would bar Trump from making public statements that could “pose a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to the law enforcement agents participating in the investigation and prosecution of this case.”

As of this writing, the judge has not granted the request for the gag order.

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