James Bond star Jeffrey Wright claims Trump started fight at Arlington Cemetery

 August 30, 2024

James Bond star Jeffrey Wright made a false claim on Thursday that former President Donald Trump started a fight at Arlington Cemetery during a wreath-laying ceremony on Monday to honor the third anniversary of the death of 13 service members during President Joe Biden's disastrous Afghanistan pullout.

"Let's please just have a POTUS who doesn't start a fight in a cemetery. That'd be nice. Small things," Wright posted condescendingly on X.

But Wright's condescension based on an NPR report Trump's campaign has insisted is wrong just shows how eager the left is to believe the worst of Trump despite apparent facts to the contrary.

Was there an altercation?

The NPR report alleged that Trump campaign staff got into an "altercation" with cemetery staff over whether they were allowed to take pictures of the wreath-laying.

According to Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung, “There was no physical altercation as described and we are prepared to release footage if such defamatory claims are made. The fact is that a private photographer was permitted on the premises and for whatever reason an unnamed individual, clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump’s team during a very solemn ceremony."

The aunt of Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, one of the servicemembers who was killed, Cheryl Juels, said in a statement that they had “absolutely welcomed and appreciated having video and photography there.”

Neither Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris attended the ceremony.

Getting the runaround

It apparently took intervention from Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) to get Trump into Arlington at all after cemetery staff tried to keep him away during the ceremony even though Gold Star families invited him and wanted him there.

According to the Daily Caller, staff at Arlington scheduled inconvenient times for the families to be at the ceremony and told them that the former president could not be there.

Gold Star parents then contacted Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) to help them with the situation, and McCaul reached out to Johnson for help to fix the situation.

“When Darin and Kelly contacted me, I was furious to hear their request to have President Trump join them to commemorate the anniversary of Taylor’s death was being stymied, along with several of the other family members of U.S. servicemembers killed at Abbey Gate. I immediately asked what I could do to help and reached out to Speaker Johnson to see what he could do. Thankfully, Speaker Johnson and his team acted quickly and were able to get the situation resolved. But something like this should never have happened. Gold Star families have already suffered enough,” McCaul told the Caller.

Republicans blame Biden and his administration for the deaths of the service members after POTUS and his officials insisted on pulling out of Afghanistan before the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

Their focus on making things look good rather than on leaving the Afghan people in a good place led to the deaths of the servicemen, not to mention the country falling back into the hands of the Taliban after years of freedom from the terrorist regime.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson