Jim Jordan demands White House turn over documents related to 2020 'defensive briefing'

 November 2, 2023

The House Judiciary Committee questioned a White House official this week over claims that intelligence figures obstructed attempts to investigate the Biden family. 

According to the New York Post, Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent a letter to Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines.

Jordan: Briefing "hampered the senators' investigation"

In it, Jordan focused on a "defensive briefing" held in August of 2020 put on for Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley and Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson by high-ranking FBI officials Nikki Floris and Bradley Benavides.

"Although the FBI claims that the briefing focused on Russia, the information that Floris and Benavides conveyed to the Senators 'consisted primarily of information that [the Senators] already knew and information unconnected to [their] Biden investigation,'" Jordan wrote.

"The briefing, the existence of which was later leaked, hampered the Senators' investigation into Hunter Biden’s financial connections to foreign governments and foreign nationals," he continued.

Jordan than referenced a letter Grassley and Johnson composed in which they alleged that Floris and Benavides sought to discredit them

Haines ordered to surrender documents

"[T]he unnecessary FBI briefing provided the Democrats and liberal media the vehicle to spread their false narrative that our work advanced Russian disinformation," they wrote.

"Although you stated that the FBI didn’t intend to “interfere” in our investigation, the practical effect of such an unnecessary briefing and the subsequent leaks relating to it created interference, which frustrated and obstructed congressional oversight efforts," Grassley and Johnson added.

Jordan went on to make six demands of Haines, including that she provide any "documents and communications referring or relating to the August 6, 2020, defensive briefing provided to Senators Grassley and Johnson."

What's more, Jordan is also seeking a list of the "agency or agencies that nominated the intelligence that served as the basis" for Grassley and Johnson's briefing.

New House speaker says Jordan has "my full support"

Jordan's work as well as that of House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and House Ways and Means Committee Jason Smith (R-MO) recently received praise from newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).

Johnson wrote in a post on the social media platform previously known as Twitter that the three men "are leading thorough investigations into the Biden family business dealings."

"They are following the truth where it leads and they have my full support as they continue the impeachment inquiry into President Biden," he stressed.

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