Jimmy Kimmel mocks low turnout for Mike Pence campaign event

 October 28, 2023

Since leaving office nearly three years ago, former Donald Trump has been highly critical of his former vice president.

Yet Trump isn't the only one taking aim, as liberal comedian Jimmy Kimmel recently went after Mike Pence over what he called "the saddest photo in presidential campaign history."

Kimmel mocks Pence's low turnout at drug store event

According to The Daily Beast, Kimmel made light of an image showing Pence speaking at a drug store in Sidney, Iowa.

In particular, the left-wing, late-night television host pointed out how sparse Pence's turnout was, saying, "I want you to look at this really closely. Because there are more multivitamins than there are people in this photograph."

Kimmel then went on to remark that those in attendance appeared to be experiencing "all the major side effects" that often come with taking prescription medication.

Pence has seen his poll numbers fall by more than half since January

"You’ve got drowsiness, you’ve got thoughts of suicide, difficulty urinating, problems operating heavy machinery, headache, irritability," he said.

"The energy in this photo doesn’t say, 'We’re here because we’re excited that the vice president is in town.' The energy says, 'We were promised donuts and where are the f--king donuts?'" Kimmel added.

Pence's campaign for the Republican Party's presidential nomination is widely considered to be a longshot effort, with a polling aggregate maintained by the website FiveThirtyEight putting his average support at 3.8%.

That represents a major decline from the beginning of the year when survey data showed that he was favored by 9% of GOP primary voters.

Meanwhile, the website showed Trump as having seen his average support level rise from 45% in January to 56.9% as of this week.

New poll shows Trump five points ahead of Biden

Many polls also show that Trump appears well positioned to take on President Joe Biden, who is expected to be the Democratic Party's nominee.

A survey conducted by McLaughlin & Associates among 1,000 likely voters between October 22 and October 26 showed the former president as being five points ahead of his successor.

What's more, the poll found that of those who favor Trump, 37% say that they "definitely" plan to cast a ballot for him. In contrast, only 31% of Biden supporters said the same of their preferred candidate.

Interestingly, the poll also found Trump to be making significant inroads among African-American and Hispanic voters, both of which have traditionally been regarded as Democratic-leaning groups.

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