Joe Biden has second lowest approval rating of any modern president

 July 20, 2023

While President Joe Biden has long struggled with low approval numbers, Yahoo! News contributor Andrew Romano maintains that they are nearing the point of collapse. 

In an article put out on Tuesday, Romano pointed to a poll aggregator maintained by the website FiveThirtyEight which shows Biden is now "the second-most-unpopular president in modern U.S. history."

Only President Jimmy Carter had worse numbers

It shows that while only 39.1% approve of the way Biden has been handling his job as president, a whopping 55.4% say they disapprove.

This puts him ahead of only President Jimmy Carter, who had an approval rating of 29% and a disapproval rating of 57.6% at the same point in his presidency.

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump's relevant numbers were 42.7% and 52.4% 910 days after he took the oath office.

Romano noted that many observers believe Biden's bad poll rating may be linked to a lackluster economy and lingering inflation.

"Little tolerance for inflation" following "stable prices for decades"

They include New York Magazine columnist Eric Levitz, who suggested last week that "after enjoying largely stable prices for decades, Americans simply have little tolerance for inflation."

"Sure, their wages may have grown faster than prices since February 2020. But voters might be inclined to attribute their income gains to their own efforts, while blaming rising prices on the government’s mismanagement," Levitz speculated.

"They still have not adjusted psychologically to the jump in their grocery bills, and are irked each time they see the receipt and remember what things used to cost when Donald Trump was still president," he added.

National Review contributor Noah Rothman offered a similar assessment, stating, "Although inflation has eased some, it hasn’t where it counts."

Americans resent having to "make to stretch their dollars as far as possible"

"Per the Wall Street Journal, prices 'are stubbornly rising for what retail and food executives refer to as the center store,' a euphemism for non-perishable staples from cereals to paper towels," Rothman pointed out.

"In percentage terms, the cost of these goods is up by double digits across a variety of categories from just months or even weeks ago," the writer pointed out.

"And to judge by this report, many of the customers surveyed by Journal reporters went out of their way to note the tradeoffs they have had to make to stretch their dollars as far as possible," he stressed.

Rothman concluded by describing the situation as "an inconvenience that almost everyone feels and is liable to resent."

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