Judge allows GOP congressman to sue over Biden administration's aide to Palestine

 June 29, 2024

Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson is a longtime vocal opponent of President Joe Biden's policies towards the Middle East.

This past week saw a federal judge green light Jackson's lawsuit against the White House over its support for a United Nations organization with links to Hamas. 

Jackson cites law barring direct assistance to the Palestinian Authority

According to the Washington Examiner, U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk shot down a government motion to dismiss the suit.

At issue is the Biden administration's decision to restart funding for the United Nations Works and Relief Agency (UNRWA), a group which had previously been ostracized by former President Donald Trump.

Jackson maintains that the renewed funding is unlawful under the Taylor Force Act and the Administrative Procedure Act, a piece of legislation which bars the United States from "directly" assisting the Palestinian Authority.

Kacsmaryk disagreed with the Biden administration's claim that Jackson's complaint is "amorphous," stating that it concerned the Trump "administration's termination of Economic Support Funds in the West Bank and Gaza and ceasing of contributions United Nations Relief Work Agency."

Report: Large number of UNRWA employees have links to terrorism

The Examiner noted that the UNRWA is controversial, with the Wall Street Journal stating in January that at least 12 employees were connected to the October 7 attack on Israel which left 1200 people dead.

Six of the individuals invaded Israel alongside other Hamas members. Two of them assisted with the kidnapping of Israelis and two others were identified at sites where dozens of civilians were killed.

Meanwhile, others are said to have played a role in providing logistical assistance for the attack and securing weapons.

The newspaper further cited intelligence reports which found around 10% of the agency's staff in Gaza are tied to militant Islamist groups.

Columnist: Governments are "complicit in stoking deadly regional conflict"

Examiner columnist Beth Bailey argued that such outrages "might not have happened if donor states had listened to years of warnings from watchdog groups that the U.N. agency was fomenting hatred of Jews."

"Decades of failure to track the aid to its ultimate beneficiaries or to seek reform of UNRWA have made Western democracies complicit in stoking deadly regional conflict and increasing hatred of Jews worldwide," she continued.

"It is a scandal that parallels the prominence of some of the world’s most vile tyrannies in such U.N. bodies as its Commission on Human Rights and the Security Council," Bailey added.

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