Judge dismisses lawsuit against Fox News brought by former disinformation board head

 July 24, 2024

Former Department of Homeland Security official Nina Jankowicz stepped down in 2022 following widespread condemnation of the short-lived Disinformation Governance Board she headed.

While Jankowicz went on to file a lawsuit against Fox News over its coverage of her, a federal judge moved earlier this week to dismiss her case.

Fox News praises judge's "decision to protect the First Amendment"

According to Breitbart, Judge Colm F. Connolly concluded that of the 37 statements made by Fox News which Jankowicz identified in her lawsuit, 36 were focused on the Disinformation Governance Board rather than Jankowicz herself.

What's more, he maintained that the single statement which did directly concern Jankowicz was a factually accurate remark.

Breitbart pointed out how Fox News announced on Monday that it was pleased with Connolly's "decision to protect the First Amendment."

The network went on to denounce Jankowicz's complaint as being "a politically motivated lawsuit aimed at silencing free speech."

Suit accused network of creating a "completely false reputation" about Jankowicz

NBC News reported that in her lawsuit, Jankowicz claimed to have become the victim of violent threats due to Fox News' coverage of her.

"Fox's coverage of Jankowicz was neither news nor political commentary; it was cheap, easy entertainment untethered from the facts, designed to make consumers believe that Jankowicz could and would suppress their speech," her complaint stated.

"Fox chose to lie about Jankowicz deliberately," it continued, adding that the cable network created a "completely false reputation concerning government censorship."

This included characterizing Jankowicz as being "unhinged" and a "Minister of Truth," with the latter being a reference to George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984."

Screenshots documented threats as well as calls for Jankowicz to kill herself

"In other words, based on verifiable falsehoods, Fox has made Jankowicz radioactive and deterred others from working with her as they otherwise would," the complaint insisted.

In support of its claims, Jankowicz's lawsuit included screenshots from social media platforms in which users could be seen calling for violence or telling the former Disinformation Governance Board head to kill herself.

The complaint also pointed to instances in which Jankowicz's home address was publicized and threats were sent to members of her extended family.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson