Kamala Harris had 92% staff turnover during the Biden administration

 July 29, 2024

Kamala Harris, during her first three years as the vice president of the United States, had a staff turnover rate of more than 90%. 

This is according to a new report from Open The Books.

Now that Harris is the favorite to replace President Joe Biden as the Democratic Party's presidential nominee, reporters have been looking into her background, and what they are finding is disconcerting, to say the least.

Harris certainly faces an uphill battle, between now and election day, in trying to explain to Americans why they ought to vote for her despite her troubling resume.

92% staff turnover rate

It would appear that Harris is not the best boss.

"Under Kamala Harris, the Office of the Vice President has been called a 'revolving door,' a 'staff exodus' of key aides 'heading for the exits," according to Open The Books.

The outlet continues, "That’s not hyperbole from the national media. Our auditors at OpenTheBooks quantified an extraordinarily high 91.5% staff turnover rate. We used U.S. Senate disclosures to conduct our investigation and those databases can be downloaded below."

This means that more than nine out of every 10 employees who worked for Harris in the office of the vice presidency have left.

"As of March 31, 2024, only four of the initial 47 staffers from the first year are still employed – consistently and without interruption – by the Vice President. Furthermore, the turnover chaos isn’t getting better. In the trailing 12-month period, 24 staffers left — that’s almost half the employees," the outlet reports.

It's true

You may be thinking that this is a partisan attack on Harris, but it is not.

The leftwing Atlantic was one of the outlets to call attention to what it referred to as "top-to-bottom dysfunction" in Harris' office. The outlet published its report in October 2023.

"In her first year and a half as vice president, Harris saw the departure of her chief of staff, communications director, domestic-policy adviser, national security adviser, and other aides," the outlet wrote.

The leftwing Washington Post was one of the first outlets to report on Harri's "dysfunctional and frustrated office" back in December 2021.

The question in all of this is where the blame lies. One would have to suspect that, with a turnover rate of more than 90%, Harris has to shoulder a large portion of the blame. If true, the question that has to be asked by Americans is whether this is the kind of leadership that we want.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson